Character design with some process. (Comissions are open!)

Hello everyone and happy saturday! Im here with a character i designed recently and i have some processes this time :)
This took me about +15 hours, i really got distracted all the time and finished it in one week (couple hours a day) I have a focusing problem when i paint, something always distracting me and i just take a break to watch something on youtube or some tv shows maybe playing some games or even painting some other things... Im trying to fix this problem these days and i hope i can.

So lets start. This is the finished shot. I think i made alot of progress with my painting style with this. I improved with my brushwork and tools i used along the way.



I was never sketching before. I was just jamping to colors and solving the promlems along the way. But this method wasnt always working and sometimes it brings more problems with it. So these days i sketch a lot more and it is really useful! So here i tried to solve all problems from the begining and did a complete sketch. I need to improve my sketching skills a lot tbh.


Now that im looking at it base colors looks so unsaturated. This is a problem i need to fix next time.


I really didnt like her stomach its looks wrong anatomically and her face isnt interesting.
Looks boring and flat. And also heels looked wrong so i changed it too.


And now she looks okey, i just need some more detaling and rendering and its done.


And its done. I hope u liked it!

I take comisions if anyone interested.

Since i see myself as a starter and i dont have a job, commisions are very cheap for now!
Whole Body : 40 $
Waist Up : 30 $
Bust up : 25 $
Portrait : 15 $

A small thing about me

Im a self taught digital artist who aims to be a character design artist and illustrator. I love painting faces and design characters, i learn and study everyday so i can make it to be a freelance artist.
I hope to see you guys around and company my journey.

Feel free to ask or comment anything, i will appreciate it.
Thank you for stopping by and have a good one!

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