Building Eden's Infrastructure - Part 2

You may remember our pentacular design from our last update, and since then progress has continued apace. The interior structure is to be a wood-metal hybrid.


This morning I set out to look at the progress from yesterday, and I found a fully functioning picnic table! Albeit strewn with tools like some sort of mechanical disaster zone

šŸ˜‚šŸ˜… MEN! XD


There is still work to be done! Today my job is to immunize this wood with my special mixture of propylene glycol and boric acid. Unlike in cooler climates, the insects here are voracious year round. I have over the years thought a lot, researched a lot and experimented a lot with wood treatments, and so far the boric acid has not let us down - two or three coats recommended with dry time/absorption time in between.

Next time I mix the recipe I will do an article on its preparation.

This wood has been here for 3 days, and already I see evidence of insect damage:


Sigh Better get to work!

If we had just laquered over the insect holes, we would be sealing in whatever made those holes. But after several coats of boric acid laced propylene glycol seeps into the wood, insects will either die from consuming contaminated wood, or be repelled from lack of good wood to eat on.

Either way, I hope to lacquer it in time for my wife to happily host something here on Friday.

Clock's Ticking!

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