Celebrating 2002 with the Collector's Edition Barbie. Sold it on auction.

So, I have been steadily working my way through selling the Barbies from the roadside box. This one sold today and it's Barbie 2002.

This one is probably in the best condition with the original plastic still on the box. And as a result, it sold quickly on auction and was worth $18 net. This pushes my total of all sold dolls to $215 profit. That's really starting to rock!

I priced new Barbies recently and even at the price that mine sell on auction, it's still a good deal if someone is buying for play instead of collection. Who knew there were so many Barbies out there!
This box of dolls isn't endless so I think this series of posts will wrap up pretty soon. Then I will be back to scrap metal and furniture finds. This one has been fun and profitable.

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