The InkWell Writing Challenge | Metal Enhanced

Week 2 of Season Two Writing Challenge

Image by Stefan Dr. Schulz from Pixabay

Prequel to Blood and Bronze

Series Title: Sanguine and Steel

Week #1: Lifeblood

We were wrong about our masters. We were led to believe that we were created to be humanity's next salvation but in truth, the redemption we had to offer was only to be for a select few.

Prototype: Elyxir 819 Completed Successfully.

I faintly heard the chorused gasps around me before I opened my eyes to see the glass walls that surrounded me, registering the silhouette's of several people who stood on the other side of my containment. Their voices coming through incoherently, until a soft female voice spoke up.

He seems to have taken to the formula quite well compared to his predecessors.” She had observed, before a male's deep voice replied to her in answer.

It may have a lot to do with the subject being barely alive when we started the first tests on him.

But, despite the metallic additions to him; it's indicated here that you've kept some parts of him... as it was--

It's best to observe how he adapts to the formulation in the weeks to come. We'll remove any unnecessary parts that prove to be a hindrance in the process once the results are final.

It seems they were the leaders in this project that involved me. I tried to see more of their features through my tinted encasement but found myself slowly losing focus just as the same male voice called out an order to release the gas.

The last of my thought process lingering in my mind, 'What was I?'

Artificial Intelligence or AI was what they referred to me, but in some instances, I would find myself questioning if that was the entire truth of it all.

I see you've grown accustomed with that arm of yours.

I glanced down at the aforementioned limb, made of light-steel, before I replied, “It's... still quite heavy... mistress.” I had intended for my words to come out as matter-of-fact but I ended up saying it almost petulantly.

The soft laughter that followed made me look up to see the crinkles that formed on the side of my mistress' eyes, a few strands of her raven hair framing her face as she spoke, “What did I tell you how to call me, young man?

I now had a face to put on the soft voice I heard back when I first found myself in that glass containment, I felt a hint of a smile form on my features as I answered her, “Dr. D. That's what you told me to call you.

And that's just some of the things you have to get used to doing. Now lean your head back so we can start working on that tick in your head, alright?

I felt myself lose to my thoughts as Dr. D started with her monthly maintenance of my 'well-being', as she liked to call it, not realizing as I subconsciously voiced out a single thought that had been niggling at the back of my mind, “Dr. D?” I started slowly, calling for her attention.

Hmm?” She gave a non-committal hum in response that only urged me to continue with the question I had in mind.

What... what is the purpose of my 'well-being'?

I felt her hands still just as she was reaching out for the next tool on her kit, she stayed silent for a few seconds longer than was necessary before she looked me straight in the eyes from where I had my head leaned back towards her, “You, Ely, may be humanity's only salvation.


That single word coursed through my being like a jolt of electricity, giving me enough energy to open my suddenly heavy eyelids to see the dim lighting that surrounded me. I tried to turn my stiff neck towards the source of where I last heard those spoken words, catching a glimpse of flowing raven hair, before she turned enough for me to briefly register the curious color of her eyes.

Her sweet gasp of surprise was the last I heard before darkness consumed my consciousness once more.

I'm on HIVE 'coz of:

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Documenting my life's journey:

My main blog ===> Fresh Start

I started a series since October 2018...

'Coz I like Tumblr ===> I Am Raincrystal

Follow my channel on LBRY ===> @lifeingeneral

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