The Window


It was the time of the sunset; the sky was painted in deep yellow orange hues which seemed almost unreal. Sally took a deep breath, she felt that such ecstasy seeing the beauty around, she felt that such intense emotions would rupture her heart. She wondered why the beauty of nature always affected her this way.

The sun was sinking deep down into the trees behind. Dusk was now adding tinges of darkness to the beautiful colors in the sky. There was this incessant music playing in her head, trying to contain it was so hard. She looked all around to see if anyone could see her. Spotting no one she swirled around to the music playing in her head. The joy in her heart began to flow in graceful movements of her body, she became one with the universe as she danced like no one was watching her.

Sally was extremely shy, She avoided crowds of any kind. She almost never accepted invitations to parties unless they were from very good friends who knew her well. She had recently refused to attend the party of her neighbor closest to her home. It is not as if she hated people, it is just because she was painfully shy and sensitive. Even now she could feel some eyes on her he looked around and seeing no one she continued to dance.

The deep orange of the sky now being reflected around seemed to make her want to dance without ceasing. The trees and the plants looked golden almost ethereal. As Sally looked on darkness engulfed the world.


The tiny stars began to twinkle in the sky, they were barely noticeable as there was still some light around. Sally sat down on the garden bench to admire the night sky which was fast growing dark. The full moon shone brightly; the pearly light it was casting gave a dreamy look to the land. Sally knew she had to go in, but she found it very hard to peel herself from the beauty around. There was a certain magic in the air and she could never get enough of it.

Just then she noticed a light come up and a man's face was stuck into the grills of the window looking right into her face. This window was barely five feet away from where Sally was sitting. He was as shocked as she was to be discovered as Sally was to be spied upon. A woman screamed at the man from the other side, "Larry. what are you doing in the dark?' “Nothing... nothing,” he replied sheepishly as he turned his back to Sally and walked away.

Still shaking with fear Sally felt like she was exposed in public. The thought that she had been watched all evening made her tremble uncontrollably. Her last bastion of privacy, her home was now open to voyeurs she mourned. Fear filled her being. With a heavy heart she decided never to be so impulsive again. She made up her mind to have some kind of screen put between her garden and his window as she got up and walked towards the house.

This story was written using the inkwell prompt full moon.!

Images used here are the sole property of @greenie.girl

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