Programming - Device Targeting and Work Distribution in OpenMP

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Hey it's a me again @drifter1!

Today we continue with the Parallel Programming series about the OpenMP API. I highly suggest you to go read the previous articles of the series, that you can find by the end of this one. The topic of this article is how we Target Devices, other than the host CPU, as well as more on Work Distribution!

So, without further ado, let's get straight into it!

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Requirements - Prerequisites


A parallel region is defined using a parallel region construct:

#pragma omp parallel [clause ...]
    /* This code runs in parallel */
Parallel For Loops are defined by using the following syntax:
int i;
#pragma omp parallel for private(i) [clause ...]
for(i = 0; i < N; i++){
Non-iterative work-sharing is defined using a sections construct with nested section directives:
#pragma omp sections [clause ...]
    /* run in parallel by all threads of the team */
#pragma omp section { /* run once by one thread */ }
#pragma omp section { /* run once by one thread */ } ... }
When only one section inside a parallel region has to be executed by one thread then we can use the single construct:
#pragma omp single
Critical Sections are specified using the following construct:
#pragma omp critical [[(name)] [ hint (hint-expr)]] [clause ...]
    /* critical section code */
Atomic operations are defined as:
#pragma omp atomic [read | write | update | capture] [hint(hint-expr)] [clause ...]
    /* statement expression*/
When more-advanced work-sharing is needed, Task constructs are the way to go:
#pragma omp task [clause ...]
    /* code block */
Implicit Barriers are placed at the end of each parallel section (when no nowait clause has been specified).

Explicit barriers can be placed by using the barrier directive:
#pragma omp barrier
In order to force memory consistency, the flush directive is used:
#pragma omp flush [(list)]
To indicate that SIMD Instructions should be used in a for loop's implementation, a for simd directive has to be used:
#pragma omp for simd [clause]

Device Targeting

Until now in the series it was shown how the OpenMP API can be used to make various programming constructs run in parallel on multiple threads that the "main" CPU of the system has. This was made possible by various directives/constructs that OpenMP offers to the programmer. But, OpenMP isn't limited on execution on the CPU!

OpenMP offers device targetting (or offloading) directives that can be used to make parts of the program execute not only on the CPU of the computer itself, but also on other hardware attached to it, such as graphics cards.

Declare Target Construct

The pair of directives that has to be used in order to define that a section of the program has to be compiled for a different device is:

#pragma omp declare target
    /* target device variables and functions */
#pragma omp end declare target
Inside the target device code can be variable and function declarations/definitions. Declaring them in this manner allows them to be accessable by the device code without having to "map" them.

Its important to note that the code is not executed when using declare target!

Target Construct

In order to map variables to a device data environment and execute statements on that device, a target directive has to be used:

#pragma omp target [clauses]
    /* device code */
The directive can be further configured using the clauses:
  • device(device_number) - Specify the device that executes the code. If not include the code executes on the default device.
  • map() - Maps data between the host and device. Types of mappings:
    • alloc: variables - Specify variables to be allocated (they will be uninitialized)
    • from: variables - Specify that the variable values should be copied from the host
    • to: variables - Specify that the variable values should be copied back to the host
    • tofrom: variables - Combination of from and to. Default Mapping
  • if(expression) - To make the device offloading conditional. If the expression is evaluated to false the code is executed on the host, otherwise on the device.
The variables in a map clause can also specify array sections using the syntax:
  • [lowerbound : length]
  • [lowerbound :]
  • [: length]
  • [:]

Device Management Routines

OpenMP offers the following Runtime Routines for Device Management:

  • omp_set_default_device() - specify the default device
  • omp_get_default_device() - returns the default device id
  • omp_get_num_devices() - returns the number of devices
  • omp_get_device_num() - returns the device id of the device executing
  • omp_get_initial_device() - returns the device number of the host device
  • omp_is_initial_device() - check if the device executing the code is the initial/host device

Target Data Directive

To construct a device environment only, a target data directive has to be used:

#pragma omp target data [clauses]
The directive can be configured using the same clauses as target and the following code has the same effect as a target construct only:
#pragma omp target data [clauses]
    #pragma omp target
        /* device code */
This could be useful in algorithms that move data from/to the host to/from the device constantly.

Target Enter and Exit Data Directives

Using the Target or Target Data Constructs, the data allocated for the device is automatically deallocated at the end of the construct.

If the memory needs to be more persistent then the following needs to be used:

#pragma omp target enter data [clauses]
    /* device environment */
#pragma omp target exit data [clauses]
Its common to use:
  • map(from:) in the target enter data directive to copy values from the host
  • map(to:) in the target exit data directive to copy values back to the host

Target Update Directive

In order to synchronize the data between the device and host memory without having to deallocate it, a target update directive is used:

#pragma omp target update [clauses]
The directive can be further configured with the following clauses:
  • from(list) - Copy Values from the Host to the Device
  • to(list) - Copy Values from the Device to the Host

Work Distribution

OpenMP allows creating a single team of threads using parallel construct that has been constantly used during this series, but also other ways of distributing the work.

Teams Construct

Using a teams construct multiple teams of threads (a so called league of threads) are created:

#pragma omp teams [clauses]
    /* code to be executed by each team */
The teams can be further configured using similar clauses to parallel:
  • private, firstprivate, shared, default - specify a list of variables with specific data-sharing
  • reduction - specify the type of reduction to be applied
  • num_teams - specify the number of teams to be created
  • thread_limit - specify the limit for threads to be created

Distribute Construct

In order to distribute for loops across teams inside a teams region, a distribute construct is used:

#pragma omp distribute
Distribute and Teams can also be combined into the neat shortcut:
#pragma omp teams distribute
    /* for loops */
And distribute can of course also be combined with parallel, for, simd, and even target.

For example, in order to create a league of teams that executes a parallel for loop on a different device using simd instructions, the following has to be used:

#pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for simd
    /* for loop */
Quite a mouth-full!

I will return to this, after we cover the CUDA API, so that we can offload code into an Nvidia GPU!

So, no example(s) today!





Previous articles about the OpenMP API

Final words | Next up

And this is actually it for today's post!

There's a 99% probability that the next article about Parallel Programming APIs will be about Nvidia's CUDA API, but because of the whole drama surrounding Nvidia at the moment I might also get into OpenCL (which is basically the same but working on Nvidia and AMD Graphics Cards)...

See ya!

Keep on drifting!

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