Regaining Perspective- Before Anyone Else

Hail to the Hive!

When you immerse yourself in certain things such as work or sports or even a time consuming hobby, it’s very easy to lose yourself, lose your direction,lose your perspective. I believe this is what happened to me when I was managing the ‘A Team’ as I called them at the dive shop.

It grew busier and busier and consumed not just my time but the majority of my conscious attention and focus. I simply allowed it to ‘be’ more important to me than I should have but did not recognise this as I was so immersed in it.


Then this whole pandemic we find ourselves in slammed the breaks on everything. It all came to a shuddering halt. The forced sabbatical of lockdown suddenly removed 98% of all my workload and grounded me in my home with the one person I’d moved heaven and earth to be with and yet somehow found myself never with as I was always working. This proved to be a very positive thing on so many levels.


We found ourselves together again 24/7. She tried to show me yoga, we ate drank and relaxed together. It was great. My focus was shifting again. Well not shifting exactly more like I could see the larger vista.

I realised that this was an opportunity to change things drastically and better to act with a plan now than have to react later and try and formulate a plan.


I remembered that myself and @millycf1976 had once looked into living on a narrowboat and thought maybe this is the time to grab hold of that dream. Why not? Why not get back to living for us again?


I suggested this new plan ( well not new as it was an old plan) and Camille readily agreed.


So now 6 months after leaving the Philippines we find ourselves living 24/7 together in a very tiny narrowboat traveling, overcoming many obstacles but fundamentally we are properly together again.


In some ways life is way more simple and in others we just have different obstacles to overcome and things to learn.


But we have regained a valuable perspective on what is really important on so many levels and for this I am very grateful.


Life is good!



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