A fun Weekend

Weekends for me has always been boring. I always sit alone in my room all day doing nothing other than to press my phone, and when I get tired of doing that, I tried to force myself to sleep.

So with this in mind, I had expected nothing different of this weekend. Eat, wake, press my phone and then sleep again. That was all I had on my schedule for Sunday until a close friend of mine called and told me she would be coming to hang out and that was why the whole day changed.

I didn’t realize how dirty my room was until I received that call, and the moment I ended the call, I immediately got to work. This was the first person visiting me in a long time and I didn’t want her to leave and never return simply because my house was a mess. So I quickly did some cleaning and when she arrived, I realized how boring my life was.



Her presence made the whole place a lot fun but unfortunately, she had to leave as it was getting late but not before I made her promise to come around next Sunday.

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