The Oracle... Please Help Us!

Hey Dr. Oracle..!

Pop Quizz Time.

Should I take a radical new MRNA immune system gene altering injection?


     (G-Dog when my comments/posts pop up)

"The Jab"

An injection that has been improperly trialed and tested for long or even short term harmful effects. True Story

An injection that does not meet the criteria or standards of any vaccines in the history of medicine. True Story

An injection endorsed by known liars, Big Pharma who pofit by tens of billions. Top 10 Largest Pharmaceutical Lawsuits & Settlement Amounts

An injection created by drug manufacturing companies who will not be held accountable. True Story

An injection that has many known adverse side effects, all documented, up to and including death. True Story

An injection that has now caused more harm to people than the illness it claims to protect you from (it does not) True Story

An injection
so E̶F̶F̶E̶C̶T̶I̶V̶E̶...
so harmful it has to be forced/coersed/propagandized/censored and mandated thru bullying, fear mongering tactics to be administered. True Story

An injection in violation of all 10 sections of the Nuremberg Codes

An injection that clearly violates the above codes. Codes that are international law. Codes that have clear meanings...

“Every human being of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what shall be done with his own body; and a surgeon who performs an operation without his patient’s consent commits an assault for which he is liable in damages.” -Justice Benjamin Cardozo

An injection that Media and Career Criminal Politicians (Known Liars) Liars like Fauci and Gates that are paid/funded by Big Pharma, The pharma that sees ridiculously large profits in the billions.
True Story

An injection That if we speak openly and honestly of. They will then censor You and I With accusations of spreading misinformation. True Stories

The Mask...


No, not the movie...


The Mandated Face Diapers...

Do not even get me started on those.

As a victim of some childhoood abuse by a psycho babysitter, who would sit on me and smother me till I passed out to make me stop screaming and crying...

Ahhh... those first wonder-fool childhood memories...

    Fun Times...


"Masking, Face Diapering," or covering my airways in any way, freaks me thee fuk out. It is just NOT gonna happen.

My Best Friend & Co-Pilot, Sammi Jo...

Duck Duck (2).jpg

My KrazzyKitty purred and pawed out a post about the worthless face diapering a while back about the harmful effects and also the ineffectiveness. She is a smart cat.

Sammi Jo says...


I wonder what the ever wise, ever seeing Oracle will say about these questions?

It might be something like this...

Thanks for spending a little time with ol' KrazzyTrukker and his KrazzyKit Sammi Jo.

Keep on KrazzyTrukkin'...

Sammi Jo & Me.jpg


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