Weekend-engagement week 20: An hour with...

Time has a way of moving forward which is fortunate as with the passing of time the working week falls behind and the weekend presents itself; It's at that point in time we find ourselves right now and along with the weekend comes the #weekend-engagement topic post!

Welcome one and all.

This weekend I'm away competing in a two-day shooting event some three hundred kilometres north of home in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia; It's unlikely I'll have much cell phone service and so I may not get back to comments as readily as I usually do, but that doesn't mean the weekend-engagement topic won't be happening - It's still on y'all!

Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend - Theophrastus

A smart man, old Theophrastus was. He presided over the Peripatetic school for thirty six years after taking over from another legit smart guy called Aristotle, and is widely considered the father of botany. His time quote above inspired me this week and forms the basis of the #weekend-engagement topic for week twenty.

Time is truly one of the most precious of things we have although also one of the most fickle...We simply don't know how much of it we have available and when it will simply cease altogether. I think if we knew when that moment was we'd all live differently, think differently and act differently however we don't and so we just move from moment to moment the best we can.

Week 20 topic - A choice of three, or do all three!

  • Which hive user would you like to spend an hour with and why? - Just one please. (tag them)

  • Which person past or present would you like to spend an hour with and why?

  • What is your ideal way to spend an hour of your time and why?

You don't need to write a million words, just enough to answer the question and why you answered that way. Feel free to add photos to punctuate your point if you like. Your answer could be serious, humorous or a mixture of both and there's no wrong answers of course.

The #weekend-engagement topic posts are a place you can connect with others in the community, open relationships through commenting and have some fun. Don't just drop your comment and run, stick around to engage a little, read other people's answers and cross-comment. It would be nice to support those who comment with some up-votes too.

As always you need to put your comment down below and don't just link to a post you've done - That's not in the spirit of this concept! If you would like to do a post about one, or all of the topics expanding out on them, feel free to do so in the Engage the weekend Community as I'm always in there curating, as are others.

You have until the early hours of Monday morning to get your comments down, but please remember, this is about engagement, so stick around and comment on some of the responses, don't just drop your comment and run.

I'll get back to y'all's replies shortly, maybe even a little tonight and Saturday night if I have phone service, but I'll be competing all day Saturday and Sunday and need to put some focus on it for now as I'm not one to do things half-heartedly...I'll get back to you though, I promise.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

If you would like to sponsor the #weekend-engagement topic simply transfer the hive to my wallet with a memo that it is for the weekend-engagement topic. I'm sure your fellow hivers will appreciate the generosity and support.

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