Weekend-engagement topic week 61: Wisdom and advice

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There's so much collective experience around the world, so many lessons to be learned and wisdom to be gained from those around us and those who came before us; if we only take the time to see and understand it of course. Most of us have gained wisdom or been handed advice that has helped us through life and I guess the opposite too; it's that which I've based this weeks topic around. original im src

The #weekend-engagement concept is simple; respond to the topic in the comments below then stay around and engage with others - It's about engagement and building relationships so get involved, engaged and have some fun. On Monday 9th August I'll transfer hive to a few who respond to the topic and comment below.

Weekend-engagement topic week 61

🔹What words of wisdom or advice have stuck with you🔹

In the comments below tell us about quotes, phrases, words of wisdom or advice that have stuck with you and explain why it impacted upon you. It could be from a parent, teacher, coach, famous person, friend, hive-user or read from a book, gained from a documentary or movie...It doesn't matter where it came from, tell us about it and how it has impacted on your life.

Make sure you quote the author or source if you are using other peoples words.

✅ Drop your answer in the comments below
✅ Add a photo or meme if you would like to
✅ Explain your answer please
✅ Be creative and fun, or boring and uninteresting - Your choice
✅ Get engaged with some of the others who comment
❌ Do not drop links to external posts as your answer

Read this bit so you know what to do.

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Here's one of mine

Ownership of self - I learned about this long ago and since have applied it to my life with passion and conviction. The understanding that I am responsible for me and my actions, thoughts and attitudes has meant I've worked harder to achieve my goals, be a better man and to live my best version of life. Taking ownership has meant I lay blame less often, and these days not at all - Blame is negative. Instead I own my failures and faults and my triumphs also. This ethos helps me deploy more effectively, with a greater chance of mission-success. When I fail I own it, strategize, plan, set goals and move on all over again. Ownership, grasping the concept and ability to apply it to myself, has paid great dividends in my life and made it much more fulfilled and enjoyable.

That's the topic folks; you have until Sunday night to get your response into the comments below and I hope you'll stay around and get friendly with some of the others who participate as it'll be good to see you around over the weekend. Have a great weekend whether you engage or not though - Life's too short not to.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

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