Collecting funds for a good cause. 77.57% of the way there!

Nearly there, but I need a little bit more help raising the funds.

It's been most part of a month that I have been putting these funds together for a friend who is sick. The reality is that he has cancer and that he was getting money together in any way that he could and thus, selling his hobby stuff was one way of doing it.

He is rather sickly, with pain in his body. He recently found out that he has a massive ulcer in his stomach so I am not surprised.

For him to try and arrange and facilitate the selling and viewing of dozens of units in his collection would be exhaustive for him. On top of that, he has started his chemo process which starts off with a series of injections and pills to get the body ready for what comes next.

So I took it upon myself to buy his entire collection. And by buy, I mean that I need to sell off parts of the collection, fund raise for donations, blog to earn money and put all this together for him by the end of the month.

The total amount needed is R15,000 which is around $840.

Due to financial difficulties, I have sent him R3,000 already as financial aid for him and his family. R10,000 of the money is going straight to the doctor and if he cannot pay that part himself, then his mother would. He does not want that because it would mean that she would place herself in financial difficulty and he really does not want to do that.

The last thing he wants is to possibly die, leaving her stranded in debt.

Meanwhile the remainder of his forces that I did not sell I will keep. In the photo above is a Space Marine Chaplain that he painted. It is my idea to keep the paint-job of at least one of his Space Marines and keep it in my collection as is.

He does not believe he has a good chance to live... so this is how I will remember him.

So... I will try post as much as possible and implore those who can for a donation or a tip or a vote, whatever you can, I will appreciate it!

Thank you for reading this post!


I am currently raising funds for a friend. Please help if you can! Details about the fund raiser HERE

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