#Cryptohunt - 1st Statusupdate [+225 HIVE] & extra hints


Hello seekers!

The last few days it has been quiet. It seemed to me that most of the search has given up, but it turned out that this is not the case. Via detours I learned that one or the other seeker has already discovered most of the puzzle pieces, but cannot yet put them together properly.

@hidden-block is growing.

Anyway, the first week's rewards landed in my wallet and were converted to Hive and sent to @hidden-block:


So the current price has risen to 1025 HIVE.

+800 - Base price
+225 - Rewards week1
= 1025 total HIVE on 18.12.2020

Here I wanted to mention again that I have now sent no Leo tokens directly to @hidden-block, but converted them first in Hive. I think so it is clearer, especially if someone stumbles across the puzzle, who may not yet have an account here and visit this platform for the first time.

But briefly again to the beginning.

Why hasn't a milestone been cracked yet?

Because the searchers have the decision whether to activate the particular milestone or not. It seems that there is a presumption of losing important progress by activating these codes. It remains to be seen whether the searchers will be able to get by without any further hints, but currently it looks less like that.

Nevertheless, thanks to one of them, you will receive a "corrective hint". Unfortunately, a small mistake has crept into the translation, which is why you will receive the following information:

One of the residents is called ronald and is a small.
One of the residents is called Nina and is tall.

*Note: In principle, this would not be an obstacle in solving the puzzle, but you would have an unnecessary number of variable factors, which are hereby eliminated. But don't worry, I won't make it too easy for you.


Extra Hint revealed

At this point I have a little extra hint for the first milestone. When you are ready, you should be able to pass with the following format:


Now all you have to do is add to it.

*And don't think this clue is weak. It might be more powerful than all the previous ones.


No more honeypots found

Since the last report, no more honeypots have been found. But I can assure you: There is still honey to be found along the way.

Who is actually searching?

To my surprise I even found out that there are searchers among you who have never been on Hive or Leofinance before. I am glad that I could convince you with my puzzle to register here and wish you a warm welcome! And of course good luck with solving the puzzle.


*As promised, you still don't know who it is in the end. It seems to be a strategy or something like that.

At this point, that's it for the status report of the first week. No more honeypots, no new milestones. Instead, two quite valuable hints that should allow a clearer view of things.

I hope that you will continue to try to solve this puzzle and I wish you good luck! If you are not yet in the process of conquering the Cryptohunt, then you should get started right away. After all, you've read this far, so you're in an excellent position to grasp the important details within the puzzle.


This was the third report after the start of the Cryptohunt.

Other Reports:

The Cryptohunt is a puzzle on the Hive-Blockchain. Searchers have to solve this puzzle to find a lost private key to the hive account @hidden-block. There are 1025 Hive on this account. Quasi right in front of your eyes.

Click here to read the introductory post about the crypto hunt.

Or click here to start the riddle directly.

You can support this project by sharing, voting and commenting on the riddle and the other posts. Alternatively you can increase the treasure for the seekers by sending donations to @hidden-block or by auctioning off buddy hints.

Element 31x.png

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1 column