Trying to Remember Why I'm Here...

I do recall, it was a desire to buy my 2nd NFT, and the guy who had it for sale on NFT Showroom was helping me with some random things.

I'd been attacked--my youtube pulled down--(it's still down), and I really liked his piece so I decided to buy it.


I had no idea how many steps I'd have to take to buy his NFT. And even now that it's done, I feel like I haven't done a good job of 'securing the bag', and I've got this random wallet w/ like 15 bucks in it (it's in hive coins I think?), and I guess I own the NFT on the "NFT Showroom" platform, but I haven't been back since.

The reason I'm here writing today is because I thought this LEO-FINANCE thingy looked pretty cool.

I remembered seeing that people were getting paid just to write and post--by sharing and tipping or something?--I don't know.

It was like 'way back when' when was actually cool. And w/ this LEO-FINANCE thingy it was like the upvotes and 'karma' were actually worth something.

It was not longer just "fake internet points".

But for all that to work for me I'd have to change my habits. I'd have to actually remember to log on to my LEO account--and browser here--and post here. Like I'm about to do now.

(well, if I can get logged in right...? The "publish" button is greyed out, and it says "Login w/ posting key". WTF do I have to do now?)

And I'm having my doubts too! Is this even reasonable content to share over here? Is there any way that people will actually land on this strange blog/journal-ish entry?

I've just barely finished my 1st cup of coffee.

IF I was wide awake I might not write or post this at all.

I guess what I'm trying to say--is that I might be able to fall in love with this place--and buy more HIVE and other coins to put in my random wallet that I hardly remember setting up...

At least with this wallet, if I want to buy some silly small coin like DOGE used to be, or the one named after the moon or whatever--I can. Because Coinbase just seems like it sucks and it feels like I'm keeping my money in a cubby-hole that's on the "not so hidden" façade, on an alley-facing wall of some huge FEDERAL BUILDING.

Does that even make sense?

A deeper level meaning of what I'm doing here right now, is that I have an 'almost daily writing habit', and I've set my standard at at least 600 words per entry (because of a self-improvement movement from twitter called #SDL), and so, I thought:

Instead of keeping my daily entries a secret on my "" account... I could be vulnerable and just post each day on LEO-FINANCE...

But if I don't talk about finance is it completely off topic?

I was gonna get some cash I have in an envelope and "buy the dip" and grab some bitcoin and some ETH and maybe some other low volume shit coins so I can HODL until my kids are grown.

Is this all financial enough?

Do people 'shitpost' and 'wholesome post' and 'cringe-post' here?
...I mean, they have to right? I'm sure most of you are way younger than me, so the above posting styles are probably the norm, right?

I'll have to come back when I'm awake. I'll be happier if I look around moar.

I bet this is 600 words.. So I can click publish now if I want.

I was actually 5 words short. So I can technically post it now.

Now I'm just over my own 'daily arbitrary limit'.

Until next time,



I was still short on words. Like it was actually on 579 when I double-checked the word count.

I really am only just barely waking up.

...I asked if people cringe-post and I'm thinking the answer is "yes", because this is feeling a lot like cringe.

ah well...



I'm over 600 now, and I remembered that I better go add pictures. The girl who was writing about 'discovering plagiarisms' said 'no pictures' was a red flag. So I just dumped a few random pieces of my digital art and memes--here and there--into my strange and half awake 1st LEO-FINANCE blog post.


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