!Join CBM Airdrop!


⚡️Drop of the in-game $ CBM token from Brew 2 Earn of the CryptoBrewMaster game and the Cryptex24.io exchangeℹ️ Each participant filling out the form of the first round of Airdrop is guaranteed to receive 30 $ CBM tokens in the form of a code on the Cryptex24.io exchange

📍The cost of the token at the moment is $ 0.012⚠️ The drop series will consist of several events, and this is the first drop of the series!

In order to receive a 30 CBM top-up code, the following conditions must be met

1️⃣ Register on the exchange and send your unique user code in the form in the question Pls Specify your C24 Exchange UID
2️⃣ Subscription to Telegrams, Discords, and Twitter projects
3️⃣ Tweet and Retweet

In general, everything, about everything, will take you ~ 5 minutes ✔️

➡️ Join here to get a Drop ⬅️

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