Hive trades above $1

Hello Hive

This is the one significant leap I hand hope for in the past two weeks but wasn't sure it was going to come that soon.

Hive traded $1.15 at about 2am and am sure many of us are just waking to see this.

After initiating a power down yesterday of 3k hive in order to get some reasonable amount of 230 hive weekly or at least get some amount to dump at the peak, the timing has been wrong and I haven't been able to get even a week of the power down ready.

Are we to expect more higher trends for hive?
For this I do not know for sure how long the above a dollar trade will hold or if we are to expect another peak.

Ever since hive forked away from steam this is my first experience seeing hive price go way above stem.


Having a large value of Hive power means alot of money at this point and trying to trade a part of it so I cab buy buy at a low to power up later might not be the best decision.
Still in a dilemma if am doing the right thing?.

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