Give Us a Reason to Bend the Knee


Rebellion is a trait long ingrained in human nature since time immemorial. From the teachings of several religious and historical materials focusing on humanity, we can see that clearly we have a problem with authority. Having rebelled against God, there are clearly no bounds to how much of a stand we will take in other to prove our point.

Unlike rebellions with authority figures in the time past that was usually accompanied with some form of violence, modern day dissent has largely been an intellectual discourse characterized by civil disobedience, fighting propaganda and seeking greater independence as an individual from the restrictions imposed by our various states.

These rebellions though have been met with stiff resistance from those who profit greatly from a corrupt system. A prime example happening right now is the carnage happening in South Africa over the jailing of their former president for corruption. This is just one example, but as we can probably all attest to - we humans have a penchant for promoting our own greedy goals over the well being of the entire community. The fact that it is good for everyone doesn't mean everyone will support it.

The introduction and subsequent development of the blockchain holds a lot of promise as a potential game changing technology that could forever revolutionize sectors such as finance, health and Cyber Security for the better. Despite this and in spite of all the progress recorded so far, there are those who continually discredit the entire chain and become willfully blind to the progress just so they can point out the immediate risks and tag the entire space as one big scam.

However, the thing with people of this age is that we retain the same battle like stubbornness of our forefathers. The more there is an obvious plot to discredit the cryptospace, the more people see propaganda for what it is and call bull. However, if the strategy was always so straightforward we would have learned all the shenanigans used to manipulate us by now.

The Illusion of Freedom

It is a lot easier to rebel against poverty and injustice in a country that is obviously poverty stricken and citizens are silenced from speaking out. However, if you try the same rebellion in a wealthy country you won't get much support.

This analogy is similar to what we face in the crypto space today. The reason why a majority of the population (especially in more advanced countries) meet the blockchain with skepticism is because the current monetary system has had some level of success. As they say, the enemy of the great is the good. It is difficult to see the need for a banking revolution when you get loans at near zero interest or don't have to bother much with transacting outside your developed domain.

It is easier to manipulate people when you make them feel like they are in charge. Modern Democracy has worked so well in this regard as countries with the strongest democracies have citizens who have come to see the Government as an entity that can do no wrong, as long as they get to elect them in office for instance.

Crypto Centralization

The bigger the players getting into the crypto space, the greater the danger that it will take away the decentralization tag that has made it so promising. Imagine giving your details to an exchange or platform that goes ahead to sell your data just like Big Tech companies. On the surface, it appears as if adoption is booming, but only a closer introspection would expose such dangers to the surface.

Stay woke.

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