Still Too Early

The one thing we know with crypto is that it does have a history of repeating trends and there are some simple ones to keep an eye out for. One is when the dumb money or retail investors arrive it is time to sell and get ready for a down trend.

Today we saw one of the meme coins move up in price Shiba but not really a signal as yet as this is still too early. Doge hasn't budged and started pumping so this is just the start and even retail investors have early adopters apparently. Then again it could be normal investors waiting for the dumb money to arrive to fill their bags and bail.

The one thing you can always count on in a bull cycle is dumb money flowing in pumping coins that should in most cases be left well alone. I have thought about it buying a few just to off load and make some quick profit and just have to get my head around the idea. It is not easy buying somehting you know is crap, but for profit it eases that pain.

I have been keeping an eye on the Hive feed as my feed seems to have slowed down to a trickle over the past month and a bit. The feed should be another indicator telling us where we are in the bull cycle and definitely we aren't there yet.

When I joined Hive there were 10 x the number of people on here and it was quite overwhelming and have enjoyed the time more since they left to be honest. When you are trying to understand and learn somehting as complex as Hive the last thing you need is thousands of posts not knowing who to follow as they confuse the issue.

Dumb money is very true as why would anyone chase something that has already gained 200 or 300% and no wonder many are left holding a bag of overpriced coins when things dump. The same applies on Hive as the smart ones are here everyday not worrying about the price as the price will come. Growing everyday getting further ahead is what Hive is and is not seasonal like these people think it is.

I like everyone else am looking for signs and hoping we are still a month or two away before we have anything to worry about as I am nowhere near ready.

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