Fuckery afoot 🤣 💎✋


So like what the heck is going on with life I wonder who’s pumping it sounds crazy because it’s like every week Hive goes up and then it goes down and it’s always around the same amount somebody yesterday behind it somebody’s messing with us…

I don’t know about you but seems kind of too much Fuckery going on.

Than I read something like this caught me off guard never really thought about it this way but it is kind of true and since we don’t really on it until we Powered down I suppose it’s kind of like a loaner the Hive is loaned to you so you can earn curation rewards I don’t know but check it out check with these two smart lads were talking about about.


This is a course for tax purposes of the United States because the United States taxes are really fucked up, I mean it’s a really messed up system.

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