Reddit Offers 2nd Layer Rewards On Ethereum Blockchain


Earning Ethereum Tokens On Reddit

Over the last few months reddit has really gain traction in the crypto currency community. Because of that many platforms have been trying to get on top of how to add cryptocurrency rewards to the platform and insight even more activity. This will become the future of social media. Those creating the content and interacting will be rewarded for their time.

2nd Layer Rewards on Arbitrum

Currently there are two subreddits that offer ETH token rewards and those are r/cryptocurrency (Moon) and r/FortNiteBR (Bricks)

Arbitrum is the technology and Arbitrum One is the flagship blockchain that is the 2nd layer chain. Pretty much was it does it combines many transactions and then broadcasts them on to the Ethereum network reducing the fees and amount of times transactions have to hit the chain. It's one of the easiest solutions to growing Ethereum.

How To Create Your Vault

Many people don't understand how to create the vault to get access to these tokens (which I believe are about to seriously take off as more communities adopt into Ethereum second layer tokens) Just follow these easy steps...

  1. Download reddit mobile app on your android of apple device
  2. Login to your account or create a reddit account
  3. Click on your profile icon and go down to Valet and click on it
  4. Agree to the terms after reading them
  5. Backup your vault manually or on reddit with a password
  6. Start earning community tokens on platforms like r/cryptocurrency and r/FortNiteBR (I'm sure many more will come soon)

If any of you are on reddit drop me a follow here - Follow Me On Reddit

The Massive Potential

Just like Hive and communities we can see how a well established platform and quickly turn on massive rewards and demand for crypto. This is something Hive could learn from. Currently all hive offers for the most part is a blogging platform which only appeals to so many people. A short form community such as a twitter alternative or reddit alternative along side of blogging could lead to massive potential for the growth of the community and demand for Hive and other community tokens on hive. This is an area I will be starting to explore as tribes and outposts are starting to create a new possible wave of adoption to Hive.

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