Fishing for the bottom? You will have to wait!


These figures will not be on mount Rushmore. Although I could see Trump chisel himself in there. I don't like to get too political but to honest out of the two 'candidates' I would choose Trump. That's not saying much in terms of the two evils we have to choose.

In terms of the national debt and fiscal responsibility Trump only dug the United States further. Biden would do the same all the while making it even more painful for ordinary Americans. Plus he's a career politician who we can say has contributed to the downfall of the nation. These two bozo's do not know what to do with the monumental failure of debt. Perhaps Trump would be better for Bankruptcy negotiations.

Alright that's my two cents.. moving on to the markets..


I expect similar downtrends as last week with some wild swings election day. I do believe no matter what the result there's going to be even more uncertainty as any 'winner' will more than likely be contested. Gold has caught a small bid; but the wild swings will come.


As I previously stated in blogs I believed the DXY would strengthen as investors park their bets into liquidity 'cash' debt notes.


Crypto is taking a small hit as it's likely institutional buyers are moving USD into liquidity. In essence many are fishing for the bottom. The markets are telling us we have to wait. I have a good hunch these trends will continue up until election night. After that, all bets are off!

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