Has the voting pattern changed on Hive after HF25?

Good morning to everyone . HF25 went smoothly on June 30 2021 and there were many things people were looking forward to after the HF .

One among many was - it will encourage the engagement due to change in the curation reward curve.

Through this post I will try to present some data which might help you get some insights regarding the voting .

Let's start of with some basic info

Number of curators daily


Well if you observe this , nothing has changed to be honest . Although there is a small increase in the last couple of days it is not a big increase .

On an average there are 10.5k curators curating daily on Hive .

Number of unique authors curated daily


This shows a whole different picture . The couple of days after the HF the number of unique authors curated were more than before but soon after the HF25 , there is a huge increase ( coincidence? I hope not ) but then again if you observe it is back to the old pattern itself .

Comments upvoted ( based on weight )

Note: Weight of 10k = 100% upvote .


Before HF and After HF there isn't a huge increase to be honest . Yeah couple of days after HF25 it was a bit more than before HF25 but is the difference huge ? No .

Note: Only upvotes are taken to calculate this and not downvotes .

Posts upvoted ( based on weight )


Well no observable difference here too . It is the same before and after HF25.

Note: Only upvotes are taken to calculate this and not downvotes .

Posts & comments ( based on weights)


Well you can see here that comments are not very huge when compared to posts based on weights .

Pie chart for the same


Yeah this sums it up . Comment percentage ( based on weight ) is ridiculously small when compared to posts .

Posts & comments ( based on unique curators )


What does this tell us ?

There are around 10k unique curators curating posts and around 1k curators curating comments everyday .

Note those users who curate both posts and comments will appear in both bars .

Weekly upvotes ( posts and comments )

Finally let's see if there is difference in weekly upvotes ( baesd on curators )before and after HF.


Nope , everything looks the same to me .

Well seems like the curation pattern hasn't changed in a big way after the HF25 like it did for HBD savings .

That's it from me today . Will come back tomorrow with another post .

Regards ,
MR .

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