Little by little

This is an entry for the Lyric Poetry Contest Edition 60. Prompt: Satisfaction by @felixgarciap.

contest entry

Little by little you keep they said,
a cents per day into your piggy bank,
Within a month you will have a lot and they will help to keep in the big bank in town.

Little by little you climb they said,
From the mountain foot, you started your hike,
Though your lungs are exhausted you have reached the top and the view is beautiful.

Little by little they said,
Today you learn about the alphabet and tomorrow will be counting one to ten,
As you grow up you will learn more than that.

Little by little they said,
Satisfaction will be fulfilled someday,
If it is not today it might be tomorrow or the days after,
As long as you keep on going and never give up on your goals.

Little by little they said,
From a single line to sentences, becoming an article,
You write and re-read before you click to submit.

Satisfaction my dear is for you to be the first before the others.

In my opinion, satisfaction is a thing that is hard to achieve. Even if we are satisfied today, there will be something after, that will change our minds. It is normal for a human to have the tendency to improve themselves. If today is already good, then tomorrow should be better. Being satisfied does not have to start with big action, because sometimes the smallest thing can be the source for being satisfied. It is just sometimes or normally small things are hard to see.

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This is an invitation to join #ccc. The CCC community supports members by encouraging and voting for each other and organizing contests. The contests were organized by @ team-ccc and its members. Visit @team-ccc for current contests.

Join the members who participate in the #ccc contests!

Monday Contest: "What does CCC mean to you" by @team-ccc.

Wednesday Giveaway: What does it mean to you today? by @freedomshif.

Saturday Giveaway: "Looking Back / Looking Forward". By @wakeupkitty.

Sunday contest every 15 days: lyrical poetry. By @felixgarciap.

I am inviting @auleo @marblely @wakeupkitty @gertu to join in this contest.

contest entry

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