Announcing The Movies & TV Shows Curation Trail


Hello community! In efforts to improve curation of movies and television posts within the Movies & TV Shows Community, we're announcing a new curation trail! This trail aims to generate growth and rewards within the community by encouraging the discovery of exceptional content.

Why should we care?

This curation trail doesn't just mean increased rewards for the community members, but means that the community members that follow the trail are also rewarded for their votes. So if you have some spare Hive Power sitting around, you may throw it our way while we do the curation, and you get some extra earnings.

Currently, we do encourage delegations to this account, but we feel that a curation trail is the correct way to go forward with curation in the community; allowing for the community to come together and support each other while being rewarded for it.

By following our curation trail, users are free to pause their support at any time, as well as set specific voting weight attributed to the trail. This is a big step up from simply delegating to us, where your Hive Power will be locked for a duration of time, neither do you get rewarded for the work your Hive Power is putting in. In addition, we will continue working under the OCD Communities Incubation Program.

In the event that you do follow our trail, we may also reach out of the Movies & TV Shows Community to curate other undervalued and exceptional content, where we feel the voting power may be better spent. After all, the trail aims to encourage and support exceptional content, and if we feel there isn't content worthy of the curation during certain times, we may look elsewhere. This means your contributions continue to earn you rewards, and Hive Power does not go idle; nor does it go into curating poor content!

How do I follow this trail?

The easiest way to follow the trail and refine your preferences is to use A tool created by @mahdiyari for the very purpose of allowing Hive users to create and follow curation trails.

Simply connect your account to the platform, and click on the 'Curation Trail' button. From there, you may search for our trail with the @moviesonhive username in order to follow it. You can see this below:


Once you've done this, you can then configure your preferred settings for this trail. This can be done with the 'Settings' button. As seen below:


From here, you're all set! There's nothing more for you to do! And if you do decide to follow our trail, we thank you! It'll help us ramp up curation and the rewarding of posts within the Movies & TV Shows Community, while ensuring you are actually rewarded for your efforts.



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