Top 3 series of my childhood [ENG/ESP]

Hello everyone..

What went wrong.gif

When you are a kid you can spend countless hours in front of the TV watching all the cartoons that TV stations offer you. In my childhood and part of my adolescence, there were many series that had a high number of viewers such as Ben 10, Phineas and Ferb, Adventure Time, Regular Show. But none of these series surpassed the legendary ones that entertained me for hours and hours and that I always remember fondly, and these are Kid vs Kat, Generator Rex, and Kick Buttowski, series that to this day I still watch in my spare time.
Cuando eres niño puedes pasar incontables horas frente al televisor viendo todas las caricaturas que te ofrecen las televisoras. En mi infancia yparte e la adolecencia, habian muchas series que tenian un alto numero de expectadores como Ben 10, Phineas y Ferb, Hora de aventura, Regular Show. Pero ninguna de estas series supera a las legendarias que me entretuvieron por horas y horas y que siempre recuerdo con cariño, y estas son: Kid vs Kat, Generador Rex y Kick Buttowski, series que hasta el dia e hoy sigo viendo en mis momentos libres.

Generador Rex

As a kid, the coolest hero for me was Rex, as he was a unique E.V.O. who could design things with his hands like a motorcycle, super strong arms, cannon, jet pack, sword, etc... This was due to an explosion of nanites that affected all human beings on earth over natural or uncontrollable powers.
De niño, el heroe mas genial para mi era Rex, ya que era un E.V.O unico que podia diseñar cosas con sus manos como una moto, brazos super fuertes, cañon, jet pack, espada, etc.. Esto debido a una explosion de naites que afecto a todos los seres humanos en la tierra poderes sobre naturales o incontrolables.


Rex is in a team that controls these E.V.O.'s called Providence and the series is based on his experiences in discovering his past and reaching the full potential of his powers. Along with Rex are 3 other very peculiar characters with powers as well such as Agent Six, Dr. Holiday, and Bobo Haha. The most memorable episode of the series was the crossover with Ben 10, where together they have to face a big threat, and as rex is living machine ben uses an alien that controls the machines and powers rex to the maximum of his abilities. One of the things I didn't like about the series is that it only had 3 seasons and was canceled, it was very disappointing because they didn't explore many other aspects of rex's life and how he fought the E.V.O., they could also have done a prequel that better explored the events before the explosion of nanites.
Rex esta en un equipo que controla a estos E.V.O llamado la providencia y la series se basa en sus vivencias por descubrir su pasado y alcanzar el maximo potencial de sus poderes. Junto a Rex estan otros 3 personajes muy peculiares con poderes tambien como Agente Seis, Dra. Holiday y Bobo Haha. Los episodios mas memorables de la serie fue el crossover con Ben 10, donde juntos tienen que enfrentar una gran amenaza, y como rex es una maquina viviente ben usa un alienigena que controla a las maquinas y potencia a rex y llva al maximo sus habilidades. Una de las cosas que no me gusto de la series es que nada mas tuvo 3 temporadas y fue cancelada, fue algo muy decepcionante ya que no exploraron muchos otros aspectos de la vida de rex y como combatia a los E.V.O, tambien pudieron haber hecho una precuela que explorara mejor los eventos antes de la exlosion de naites.

Kid vs Kat

It tells the story of Coop and his constant fight to thwart the plans of his sister's diabolical alien cat, the series also tells the daily experiences of a boy who faces the problems of childhood, school, and girls. It also tells a little of the daily life of his father who never notices anything the alien cat does, his sister who coincidentally doesn't notice either, his friends, and his neighbor Mrs. Munson who hates Coop because his father was the same way.
Cuenta la historia de coop y su constante pelea para frustar los planes del diabolico gato extraterrestre de su hermana, ademas la series cuenta las vivencias diarias de un chico que afronta los problemas de la niñes, las escuela y las chicas. Tambien cuenta un poco de la vida diaria de su padre que nunca se da cuenta de nada de lo que hace el gato alienigena, su hermana que casualmente tampoco se da cuenta, sus amigos y su vecina la sra munson que odia a coop porque su padre era igual.



What made this series great was that Coop always tried to unmask Mr. Kat but never succeeded because all the evidence disappeared before being betrayed, much like Phineas and Ferb, but at the end of the series Coop makes everyone realize who Mr. Kat is but they must help him because a rival race of aliens in the form of Hamsters want to conquer the earth, but in the end, everyone's memory is erased, and everything goes back to the beginning. What I didn't like about this series was the vague reason why it was canceled since as the creator of the series Rob Boutilier himself mentioned, he lacked the rights to renew the series for a third season, I would love to see a new season of this series and know what happened after they saved the earth and if finally, coop manages to give Mr kat away.
Lo que hacia esta serie genial era que Coop siempre trataba de desenmascarar a Mr Kat pero nunca lo lograba ya que toda la evidencia desaparecia antes de ser delatado, muy parecido a Phineas y Ferb, pero al final de la serie coop logra que todos se den cuenta de quien es mr kat pero lo deben ayudar ya que una raza de aliens rival en forma de Hamsters quieren conquistar la tierra, pero al final a todos se les borra la memoria, y todo vuelve al principio. Lo que no me gusto de esta serie fue la razon tan vaga por la cual la cancelaron, ya que como menciono el propio creador de la serie Rob Boutilier, el carecia de los derechos para renovar la serie para una tercera temporada, me encantaria ver una nueva tempora de esta serie y saber que paso luego de que salvaron la tierra y si finalmente coop logra delatar a mr kat.

Kick Buttowski

We all want to be skateboarders or practice some extreme sport, but since I value my life and I want to see my grandchildren without having unnecessary fractures or cuts, I preferred to watch Kick Buttowski, a very excellent series that explores the life of Clarence Francis, a 12-year-old boy who does different stunts as he lives every day as if it were an action movie.
Todos alguna vez queremos ser patineteros o practicar algun deporte extremo, pero como valoro mi vida y quiero llegar a ver a mis nietos sin tener fracturas o cortadas innecesarias, preferia ver Kick Buttowski medio doble de riesgo, una serie muy excelente donde se explora la vida de Clarence Francis, un niño de 12 años que hace distintas acrobacias ya que vive cada dia como si fuera una pelicula de accion.



What made this series so great, was that Kick always looked for a way to solve the problems that arose in a positive and fun way, it showed that although something seems difficult is not impossible, besides that the most important thing for him was the love of his family and the affection of his closest friends were Gunther and Wade, the series is inspired by Evel Knievel, in fact, the costume that this famous acrobat used is similar to Kick Buttowski. Again, what disappointed me about this series is that it was not renewed for a 3rd season and since 2012 it had been a dead project, although at the beginning of this year the creator gave a wink about a possible return, so far nothing has been concretized.
Lo que hacia esta serie tan genial, era que Kick siempre buscaba la manera de solucionar los problemas que le surgian de una manera positiva y divertida, mostraba que aunque algo parezca dificil no es imposible, ademas de que lo mas importante para el era el amor de su familia y el cariño de sus amigos que los mas cercanos eran Gunther y Wade, la serie esta inspirada en Evel Knievel, de hecho el traje que este famoso acrobata usaba es similar al de kick Buttowski. De nuevo, lo que me decepcino de esta serie es que no renovaron para una 3era temporada y desde el 2012 habia sido un proyecto muerto, anque a comienzos de este año el creador lanzo un guiño sobre un posible regreso, hasta ahora nada ha sido concretado.

Anyway, these have been 3 of the best series that I could enjoy in my childhood and because they were my favorites, but what are yours? you can let me know in the comments, thank you very much for reading. The images used are not my own, that's why they have their respective fonts below, but the cover image was made by me in canva.
En fin, estas han sido 3 de las mejores series que pude disfrutar en mi infancia y porque eran mis favoritas, pero cuales son las tuyas? me lo puedes hacer saber en los comentarios, muchas gracias por leer. Las imagenes usadas no son de mi propiedas por eso tienen sus respectivas fuentes debajo, pero la imgen de portada si ha sido hecha por mi en canva.

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