Mushroom Monday - Season of the Chanterelle

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It is the season of the summer Chanterelle.

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They are growing all over the forest floor.

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The main problem is avoiding clouds of mosquitos that hang out in the weeds.

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Down in the weeds I noticed a few other mushrooms like this massive bitter bolete.
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This looks like a malformed white russula.
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The gills cretainly look like that of a russula.
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As for the chanterelle harvest I easily found 2 pounds worth of them.
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They were all super fresh and had not been hollowed out by bugs yet.
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Here is what they looked like before cleaning.
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I ended up cooking another pizza with them.
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I dried the rest for use later.
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The dried ones ended up being powdered amd placed in a lamb meatloaf. The mushrooms really added a nice taste to the dish. The chanterelles should be out for another month or so, I just need to keep looking :-)

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