fungi friday - macros #322

Hola, setero! I am sharing my fresh mushroom finds from this week. All of them are tree fungi. I also add @hive-166168 as beneficiary of the post, so that FL account could grow and make a better upvotes on your posts.
Now, lets enjoy the mushrooms!


On this day I was borrowing my 70-300mm telephoto lens with me (intended for some street photo). This was good and very helpful, cause the 1st mushroom I discovered, was located high on a tree, would be impossible to get any pics and visible details, without using a tele-.


Look at its shape. Wonderful and bizarre, isnt it?

I could not come closer to inspect, but as far as I noticed the cap had gills -- which mean this is definitely not an Oyster sp. And thats all I can tell you about this stranger!


My next find was a matter of chance. I went out on business (had an appointment with a Viennese chairs seller), and although I didn't plan to take any pictures, the camera with 50mm lens was still in my backpack. I bought one chair, and on the way home I went to the bakery to get some cookies. And when I came out (and had not yet accelerated and picked up the usual pace of a rushing citizen) - at that moment my eyes were clearly focused on a huge mushroom family that inhabited the nearby stump. And passing by with a chair - I did not notice them at all! I stopped, put the chair on the ground and spent the next 10 minutes squatting around said stump.

Cледующая находка была делом случая. Я вышел в город по делам (у меня была встреча с продавцом венских стульев), я не планировал фотоохоты, но камера и 50мм объектив все равно оказались в рюкзаке. Я приобрел один стул, и на обратном пути домой зашел в булочную - купить печенек к чаю. Выйдя обратно, я не успел набрать обычный темп спешащего по делам горожанина - мои глаза четко сфокусировались на огромной грибной семье, заселившей пень неподалеку. А проходя мимо со стулом -- я их не заметил. Я поставил стул на землю, и следующие 10 минут провел ползая на корточках вокруг этого пня.


Two different species are fighting for control of this strategically important point, for the further expansion of their spores and mycelium. Of course, it is possible that there are more of these species - but the rest ripen inside without showing their fruiting bodies; Yes, it is better to formulate it this way - perhaps it will be more accurate. One of them can be seen in both winter and summer: it is _Ganodérma applanátum,_ or Artist’s conk, the 2nd is a well-known Dryad's saddle.

Два разных вида ведут борьбу за овладевание этим стратегически важным пунктом, для дальнейшей экспансии своих спор и мицелия. Конечно, возможно что этих видов и больше - но остальные зреют внутри, не показывая свои плодовые тела; да, лучше сформулировать именно так - пожалуй, будет точнее. Один из них - можно увидеть и зимой и летом: это _Ganodérma applanátum,_ or Artist’s conk. Второй - хорошо известный завсегдатаям сообщества Dryad's saddle.


Artist’s conk, or designer's mushroom - got its name cause one may use it to create drawings! If you are in the forest and suddenly have a rush of creativity, you may find this mushroom (they are pretty well-spread) and draw something (using a stick or match) on the inner side of its cap.



Next time when I will not be overburden with chair, I will try to "leave some trace of my existence" on these, hehe.


When I see those smooth creamy textures, I always cant think of anything but a melted ice-cream :P


But mushrooms is no way an ice-cream, dont get yourself fooled by the shapes similarity!

The second habitant of the stump was the Dryad's saddle.


Второй обитатель и претендент на жизненное пространство пня - трутовик чешуйчатый. Я встретил старый гриб, который вырос видимо больше недели тому назад.


While this mushroom is young and not have "woodened" - it can be eaten, it can be fried and has a pleasant dense texture. But, of course, it is better not to collect such a mushroom in an urban environment.

Пока гриб молодой и не "задеревеневший" - его можно употреблять в еду, он отлично жарится и имеет приятную плотную текстуру. Но, конечно, лучше не собирать такой гриб в городе.


These are not suitable for consuming any more. They are as big, as two my palms.


The inside of the cap is usually yellowish or creamy - I have never seen this mushroom having such an intense yellow / orange color. I think its the dry weather painted these mushrooms so intensely.

Внутренняя сторона шляпки обычно желтоватая или кремовая - я никогда не видел чтобы гриб имел такой интенсивный желтый / оранжевый цвет. Думаю, просто сухая погода раскрасила эти грибы так интенсивно.


Anyway -- good for macro photography!


There was also one young edition of this fungi (quite suitable for pick-up and cooking). I picked it up just to shoot the close-up of its cap and texture.



Perhaps that is all. Now, its time to part ways, I wish you good luck -- and Good Hunting! Oh, and Happy #FungiFriday to you!
And a little reminder: we have a nice fun challenge at HIVE, hold by @EwkaW


I hope many of you will join, as there are only 2 simple rules:

  • when Friday comes, share your fungi with us! post your own, original photo/drawing/art/food/anything-at-all of any type of fungi (yes, stolen images will be checked and reported !)
  • add #fungifriday (not necessarily must be your 1st tag). that's all!


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