fungi friday - september mushrooms

Hola, setero! Today I share some mushroom impressions from trips to the forest and around my countryside place.

First goes this fungi that I encountered only once.


As you may know, I love orange, this is one of my fave colours. And there are tonns of fancy orange-colored mushrooms out there.

Here, I believe, a family of waxcaps was discovered. Some of them were quite strong, others already aged and were rotting. To be more precise: Hygrocybe cónica, or in Russian Влажноголовка, Гигроцибе коническая.



Laetíporus sulphúreus, the famous 'Chicken of the woods', or in Russian 'Трутовик серно-жёлтый'... this year was not found. (I added to the post my picture from the archive). Last year I remembered well the place, the stump where this mushroom grew (in the yards, not very far from my house) - with the goal of finding it this year and collecting it before it outgrew the "young, soft, edible" stage of its life cycle ... I really wanted to fry it and taste it. And you know what? I found it... oh, the law of meanness! ... we met, but I found it not on that stump, but in the garbage damp: some ignorant people (let heaven forgive them!) cut it off the tree - it was not allowed to grow :/ and more, they even bothered to carry it to the nearest garbage dump. I think fear and ignorance are to blame, I don't know what else... All in all, this led to stupidity, and this year I most likely will not meet this mushroom again. Now our meeting back in 2020 looks like a very unlikely miracle. And this year's meeting (in the garbage) is even less likely event ...

В прошлом году я запомнил место, тот пень где рос этот гриб (во дворах, не очень далеко от моего дома) - с целью найти его в этом году и собрать, пока он не перерос стадию "молодой, мягкий, съедобный" своего жизненного цикла. Я очень хотел его пожарить и попробовать на вкус. И знаете что? я нашел его... о, закон подлости!... мы с ним все-таки встретились, но я нашел его не на том пне, а на помойке: какие-то невежественные люди (да простит их небо!) срезали его с дерева - не дали вырасти ... но дали себе труд отнести до ближайшей помойки. Я думаю, что виноваты страх и невежество, не знаю чего тут больше. В сумме это привело к глупости, и в этом году я скорее всего уже не встречу этот гриб. Наша прошлогодняя встреча с ним теперь выглядит как очень маловероятное чудо. А встреча этого года (на помойке) - еще менее вероятное событие...


Leccinus scábrum, in Russian: 'Подберезовик обыкновенный'. Indeed, very ordinary and usual mushroom.


It has very soft body tissues, which are easily affected by worms. So if the mushroom is not very young - most probably it is infected with worms. I dont love this trophey too much.


These are Armillaria mellea. How did I know this? The mushrooms seem to be too young, have just appeared and give no distinctive features in this photo? Well, I'm not a magician - in fact, another family of the same mushrooms was growing nearby, which was at a later stage of the life cycle. Thats how I deduced correct iD.



No mushrooms in this frame, but the lichens -- best mushroom's friends!


Oyster mushrooms - edible fungi that folks cultivate artificially a lot, and they often can be seen on sale in the supermarkets. Those I found at an old poplar tree, when I was following my babygirl to school. Luckily, I encountered them right at the beginning of their lifecycle - a few days more, and they grew up their caps and became far less photo-friendly, than you may see here.



Pholiots squarrosa, or shaggy scalycap, the shaggy Pholiota, in Russian: 'Чешуйчатка обыкновенная'. In the fall, I often see this mushroom growing in large families, and it is not difficult for me to identify its iD. It has a really memorable appearance, isnt it?

Now, its time to part ways, I wish you good luck -- and Good Hunting!
Oh, and Happy #FungiFriday to you!
A little reminder: we have a fun challenge at Hive: #FungiFriday!
I hope many of you will join, as there are only 2 simple rules:

  • when Friday comes, share your fungi with us! post your own, original photo/drawing/art/food/anything-at-all of any type of fungi (yes, stolen images will be checked and reported !)
  • add #fungifriday (not necessarily must be your 1st tag). that's all!


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