How you can help your child develop a reading habit

Every child has the ability to become smart, clever and confident if only they are given the opportunity to start learning at an early age.

The intellectual ability of a baby starts developing in her mother's womb. Even after babies are born, they trace their mother's breast milk through the smell even when no one taught them. Isn't the creator of the universe amazing?

The earlier we parents start forming a habit of reading to our little ones, the more familiar and enthusiastic our children will be towards learning.

During my antenatal days, I was taught that babies do hear even while still in the womb so learning should begin as early as at that and immediately after birth as well. Yea early communication with our new born through verbal or singing will go a long way in nurturing them academically.

** let's look at some of the ways we can support our children through reading***

  • Knowing the best time to teach your child is very important. Example, avoid teaching when they are hungry or tired. Except bedtime stories.

  • Create a reading routine. Try and read a book daily to your little one. With that, soon it becomes part of their life style

  • you can choose to Learn through play. Engage your child in activities that can develop their knowledge. Eg. flashcards, (I tried this and it worked so fast like magic😊) pictorial book and puzzles.

  • Make learning fun. Avoid using it as a punishment or forcing your child to learn.( At first, I deprived my son of certain things until he learn by force, but I didn't get any result punishing him until I changed my pattern)

  • Get them to concentrate and focus. Turn off or hide phones or t.v.(Cartoon and others), so they are not easily distracted.

  • you can try building a mini library or book shelf in a corner of their room, that way your child is more involved and familiar with their book.



  • Be calm and patience when you teach. Don't loose your temper on the kids when they are not getting it right . Learning is a gradual process and needs time. Tolerate their excesses inorder to achieve result.

Believe me, if you are able to do these and more, you and your child will enjoy learning.

Remember to stay positive and always be happy.
Thanks for reading!!

Please feel free to tell us more ways you tried to get your kids to enjoy reading through the comment button😊

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