EN/ES Ambulancia De Cartón, Para El Cuidado De Nuestros Niños/ Cardboard Ambulance, For The Care Of Our Children

Hello, dear friends, I hope you are well, today I would like to share with you an excellent way to take care of our little ones, to a safe return to school. As a mother, I am concerned about the interaction that my little one may have with other children even with adults, if the biosecurity measures will not be fulfilled, so I decided to present an idea to his teacher and school director, with the purpose , to be able to protect both the health of our children and that of the school staff.

I elaborated, a Cardboard Ambulance, For The Care Of Our Children, which fulfills different functions, the first is that with it the children can have their soap, cloth, antibacterial, alcohol organized, individually, they will be able to access their articles hygiene, this will help the teacher and / or teacher, within the classroom, create habits and routines, complying with biosafety measures, during this process of the pandemic, during the development of their face-to-face classes.

Hola , queridos amigos , espero se encuentren bien, hoy quisiera compartir con ustedes , una excelente forma, de cuidar a nuestros pequeños, a un regreso a clases seguros. Como madre, me preocupa la interacción que pueda tener mi pequeño con otros niños hasta con adultos, si no se llegará a cumplir, las medidas de bioseguridad, por lo que decidí , presentarles una idea a su maestra y directora del colegio, con la finalidad, de poder resguardar tanto la salud de nuestros niños como la del personal del colegio.

Elaboré, una Ambulancia De Cartón, Para El Cuidado De Nuestros Niños, que cumple diferentes funciones, la primera, es que con ella los niños pueden tener organizados su jabón, paño, antibacterial, alcohol, de manera individual, podrán tener acceso a sus artículos de higiene, esto ayudará a que la maestra y/o docente, dentro del aula, les cree hábitos y rutinas, cumpliendo las medidas de bioseguridad, durante este proceso de la pandemia, durante el desarrollo de sus clases presenciales.

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The second function is that the children can recognize and identify why it is important to have their medical kits organized and in this way the teachers can have better control of the materials and objects that the children will carry individually.

It seemed important to me that children can take it to school and then home in order to teach them responsibility for their health, materials, where we parents will play a fundamental role in reinforcing biosecurity measures at home.

Next, he presented the materials and steps for its elaboration:


La segunda función, es que los niños puedan reconocer e identificar, el porqué es importante tener organizados sus botiquines médicos y de esta forma las maestras puedan tener mejor control de los materiales y objetos que llevaran los niños de manera individual.

Me pareció importante que los niños puedan llevarlo al colegio y luego a la casa con finalidad de ir enseñándoles la responsabilidad de su salud, materiales, donde nosotros los padres jugaremos, un papel fundamental, en el reforzamiento en el hogar de las medidas de bioseguridad.

A continuación, les presentó, los materiales y pasos para su elaboración:

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• 1 cardboard box
• Cardboard scraps
• 2 containers of butter
• White sheets
• Tempera
• Brush
• Scissor
• Rule
• Pencil
• Scotch tape
• 4 plastic juice caps
• 1 perfume cap or, failing that, two marker caps that no longer have ink


• 1 caja de cartón
• Retazos de cartón
• 2 envases de mantequilla
• Hojas blancas
• Tempera
• Pincel
• Tijera
• Regla
• Lápiz
• Cinta adhesiva
• 4 tapas plástica de jugo
• 1 tapa de perfume o en su defecto dos tapas de marcadores que ya no tengan tinta


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First step:

Cut out the three covers of the upper box (reserve them) which will be used later, for the respective design.

Primer Paso:

Recortar las tres tapas de la caja superior (reservarlas) las cuales se utilizaran más adelante, para el diseño respectivo.




Second step:

Once the covers have been cut, we will use the two long covers and we will cut it at the top diagonally, both must be at the same level and then we will glue it with silicone in order to create the bases of the dresser that we will create later (see photo).

Segundo Paso:

Recortadas las tapas, utilizaremos las dos tapas largas y la recortaremos en la parte superior en forma diagonal, ambas deben de quedar al mismo nivel y luego lo pegaremos con silicón con finalidad de crear las bases del gavetero que crearemos más adelante ( ver foto) .






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Third step:

List our lined bases, we will begin to glue with silicone, on the side of the cardboard box each of the pieces, first we will start with the small base, one below and on the lower base the bases were glued with the diagonal cut, for Lastly, we will glue the small lid in the middle with silicone, fulfilling the function of separator (drawer), in order to give more strength to the sides. (View photo)

Tercer Paso:

Lista nuestras bases forradas, comenzaremos a pegar con silicón, en la parte lateral de la caja de cartón cada una de las piezas, primero comenzaremos con la base pequeña, una abajo y sobre la base inferior se pegaron las bases con el corte diagonal, por último pegaremos con silicón la tapa pequeña en el medio cumpliendo la función de separador (gavetero), de manera de darle más fuerza a los laterales. (Ver foto)







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Fourth step:

Once completed, the first phase of the dresser, we will begin to elaborate the ceiling with a piece of cardboard, vertically, leaving the space of the drawers uncovered, Then, we cover with white sheets or if you wish, paint with white tempera, then , we glue one of the smallest eyelashes with silicone in order to completely close that side, leaving it fixed and the other loose, which would be the longest eyelash, in order that the child can have better ease of opening and closing your ambulance.

Cuarto Paso:

Ya realizada, la primera fase del gavetero, comenzaremos a elaborar el techo con un retazo de cartón, en forma vertical, dejando el espacio de los gaveteros descubiertos, Luego, forramos con hojas blancas o si usted lo desea, pintar con tempera blanca, luego, pegamos con silicón una de las pestañas más pequeña de manera, de cerrar completamente ese lado, dejándola fija y la otra suelta, que sería la de pestaña más larga, con la finalidad de que el niño pueda tener mejor facilidad, de abrir y cerrar su ambulancia.








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Fifth step:

With a cardboard sheet, make two cuts, which have the shape of the dresser and painted black, taking as a measure the separation sheet that had been made according to what was proposed in the third step. (See photo) and then, with another sheet of cardboard, the ceiling of the chest of drawers was cut and painted black, gluing it with silicone on the side bases with the diagonal cut proposed in the third step.

And so, the simulation part of the front of the ambulance would be elaborated.

Quinto Paso:

With a cardboard sheet, make two cuts, which have the shape of the dresser and painted black, taking as a measure the separation sheet that had been made according to what was proposed in the third step. (See photo) and then, with another sheet of cardboard, the ceiling of the chest of drawers was cut and painted black, gluing it with silicone on the side bases with the diagonal cut proposed in the third step.

And so, the simulation part of the front of the ambulance would be elaborated.







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Step Six:

Internal dividers were made for the ambulance, with two pieces of cardboard that were lined with sheets of white paper, (reserve) then lined with sheets of white paper, the inside of the box (or ambulance) and then, They glued the already prepared separators with silicone, to make internal divisions, to place hygiene materials, to be used by children

Note: the measurements of the pieces were not placed, because everything will depend on the size of the box that you use. You just have to follow the design made by us and also see a photo of how the design was made, with covers that served as rubbers and ambulance light, which were painted with tempera and cutouts and painted blue cardboard, fulfilling the function of the glasses (see design).

Sexto Paso:

Se elaboraron unos separadores internos, para la ambulancia, con dos retazos de cartón que se forraron con hojas de papel blanco, (reservar) luego se forró con hojas de papel blanco, la parte interior de la caja (o ambulancia) y después, se pegaron con silicón los separadores ya elaborados, para hacerle unas división interna, para colocar los materiales de higiene, a utilizar por los niños

Nota: no se colocaron las medidas de las piezas, porque todo dependerá del tamaño de la caja que usted utilice. Solo debe seguir el diseño realizado por nosotros e igualmente ver foto de cómo se realizo el diseño, con tapas que sirvieron de cauchos y luz de la ambulancia, las cuales se pintaron con tempera y cartones recortados y pintados de azul, cumpliendo las función de los vidrios (ver diseño).







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And in this way, we would have our Cardboard Ambulance ready, for the care of our children, which will be very beneficial for them and their health, in my case, I raised the idea with my son's teacher, that if he did not give The proposal, I would donate this ambulance to her, so that she can have it in her living room, with the purpose that parents are also involved, in the well-being of their children, by donating some hygiene items, important to comply, with biosafety regulations in the classroom and at school, for the benefit of the children and the staff who worked in it.

In the same way, I will send my son's personal hygiene products to the school, necessary to comply with their biosecurity standards.

One of the things that also encouraged me to do it, is to implement in my little one the responsibility of taking care of things and that later on he can use his ambulance as a creative and recreational toy to store things, such as colors, markers or his small carts For now, we will take care of encouraging biosecurity measures during this pandemic.


Y de esta forma, tendríamos lista nuestra Ambulancia De Cartón, Para El Cuidado De Nuestros Niños, que será muy beneficioso para ellos y su salud, en mi caso, yo le planteé la idea a la maestra de mi hijo, que si no se daba la propuesta, yo le donaría ésta ambulancia, para que ella la tenga en su salón, con la finalidad que los padres se involucren también, en el bienestar de sus pequeños, donando algunas cosas de higiene, importantes para cumplir, con las normas de bioseguridad en el aula y en la escuela, para beneficio de los niños y del personal que laboré en él.

De igual manera, yo enviaré a la escuela, los productos de higiene personal de mi hijo, necesarios para cumplir con sus normas de bioseguridad

Una de las cosas que me impulso también a realizarlo, es para implementar en mi pequeño la responsabilidad del cuidado de las cosas y que más adelante pueda utilizar su ambulancia como un juguete creativo y recreativo para guardar cosas, como colores, marcadores o sus carritos pequeños, por el momentos nos encargaremos de incentivar las medidas de bioseguridad durante esta pandemia.




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Waiting, you like it, this is an excellent way to make with recyclable materials, this wonderful ambulance for the protection and benefit of the health of our children, which will undoubtedly be something striking for them, to continue learning different ways of putting studies into practice through to games or dynamics.

My son loves his ambulance very much and we have put into practice the importance of it so that in his school, he has his hygiene materials, to comply with his biosecurity regulations. We have made him aware of the problem of the pandemic, and so much so that he keeps his mask permanently when he is out of the house.

Thank you for taking his time to read my post. I hope you like it. Greetings

Until next time

Esperando, les agrade, está excelente forma de elaborar con materiales reciclables, está maravillosa ambulancia para la protección y beneficio de la salud de nuestros hijos, que sin duda será algo llamativo para ellos, el seguir aprendiendo diferentes formas de poner en práctica los estudios mediante a juegos o dinámicas.

Mi hijo le encanta mucho su ambulancia y hemos puesto en práctica, la importancia de la misma para que en su escuela, tenga sus materiales de higiene, para cumplir con sus normas de bioseguridad. Le hemos creado conciencia, del problema de la pandemia, y tanto así, que mantiene su tapaboca permanentemente cuando esta fuera de la casa.

Gracias, por tomar de su tiempo, en leer mi post. Espero les guste. Saludos

Hasta la Próxima



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❤️ All photos are my property taken with my Redmi Go smartphone

❤️ All separators are my property, free to use.

❤️ English it is not my native language, I help myself with translators to make these posts

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
❤️ Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad tomadas con mi celular inteligente Redmi Go

❤️ Todos los separadores son de mi propiedad, libres de uso

❤️ El inglés no es mi idioma natal, me ayudo de traductor

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