Tiempo de Calidad con mis Amores🥰💙🤰[Esp-Eng]


Hola Mamitas y papitos || Hello Mommies and daddies

Espero todos se encuentren muy bien por aca, quiero mostrarles parte de lo que fue nuestro respiro de fin de semana☺ y si, es que llegamos a un punto en el que nos dimos cuenta que todo era trabajo, trabajo, trabajo, y a pesar de ser desde la "comodidad" de la casa, nos saturamos!! Y llegamos al punto de no prestarle 100% atencion al nene!! Ultimamente nos hemos organizado mas, compartimos mas con el niño y decidimos darnos ciertos respiros de vez en cuando, desde un heladito en casa, hasta una salida a algun centro comercial, que aqui en mi ciudad tampoco es que hay muchos 😂 pero bueno decidimos dar un paseo en familia!!

Quote I hope everyone is doing very well around here, I want to show you part of what was our weekend respite☺ and yes, it is that we reached a point where we realized that everything was work, work, work, work, and despite being from the "comfort" of the house, we saturated!!!! And we got to the point of not paying 100% attention to the child! Lately we have become more organized, we share more with the child and decided to give ourselves some breaks from time to time, from an ice cream at home, to an outing to a mall, which here in my city there are not many 😂 but we decided to take a walk as a family!

Llevamos al niño a los videojuegos, comimos helado, jugó en el parque y de paso compramos algunas cosas!! Bueno les cuento, me paso algo buenisimo jajaja resulta que pasamos por una tienda infantil, que es conocida por precios elevados, y por curiosidad solo pasé a preguntar los precios de los coches (para la llegada de Ema el proximo año🙏) y la vendedora me da la super noticia que habia 50% de DESCUENTO o sea, se imaginaran mi cara, y todas las mamis que me leen saben lo que se siente comprarles ropa a nuestros hijos😍😂 habian BELLEZAS, sobretodo para recien nacidos, asi que no desaproveché la oportunidad y le compre algunas cositas a los nenes😍 sobretodo a Ema!! En la proxima salida sera 80% Chris y 20% Ema jeje para equilibrar la cosa

Quote We took the kid to the video games, we ate ice cream, played in the park and we bought some stuff! Well I tell you, something great happened to me hahaha it turns out that we passed by a children's store, which is known for high prices, and out of curiosity I just stopped by to ask the prices of cars (for the arrival of Ema next year🙏) and the saleswoman gives me the super news that there was 50% DISCOUNT that is, you can imagine my face, and all the moms who read me know how it feels to buy clothes for our children😍😂 there were BEAUTIFUL things, especially for newborns, so I did not miss the opportunity and bought some things for the babies😍 especially for Ema! ! Next time out it will be 80% Chris and 20% Ema hehe to balance things out.



Pero pues estaba feliz de poderles comprar sus cositas, de ahi llevamos al nene al parque, jugó un buen rato hasta que el hambre nos atacó y pues fuimos a Almorzar😂 el arroz chino es nuestro favorito, sobretodo de Chris asi que elegimos eso, y papitas 🍟 fritas para el niño tambien!!

Quote But I was happy to be able to buy them their little things, from there we took the baby to the park, he played for a while until hunger attacked us and we went to lunch😂 Chinese rice is our favorite, especially for Chris so we chose that, and chips 🍟 for the boy too!!!




En resumen, pasamos un dia espectacular, mi contador de pasos de marcó mas de 10.000 asi que ya sabran que caminamos alguito😂 pero la verdad que disfrutamos mucho estas salidas, sobretodo si hay 50% de descuento😂 ya mañana nos toca nueva salida, pero vamos a consulta con la Dra, a ver como va la beba, y de ahi nos damos otra vueltica con el nene🥰 al final, estos son los momentos que realmente atesoramos💜💓

Quote In short, we spent a spectacular day, my step counter marked more than 10,000 so you know we walked a little bit😂 but the truth is that we really enjoy these outings, especially if there is 50% off😂 tomorrow we have another outing, but we go to consult with the Dr, to see how the baby is doing, and then we take another walk with the baby🥰 at the end, these are the moments that we really treasure💜💓

Para mi la familia es lo mas importante, SIEMPRE💜

Quote For me family is the most important thing, ALWAYS💜.


Les seguiré compartiendo estos momentos que para nosotros valen oro☺

Quote I will continue to share with you these moments that are worth gold☺ for us☺.


Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad
Los collages fueron creados con Photogrid
La traduccion es de Deepl.com

Quote All photos are my property The collages were created with Photogrid Translation is from Deepl.com

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