Sofia Elisabeth is finally here, my first born [Eng | Spa]

¡Hola comunidad Motherhood!
Hello Motherhood community!

Hello, beautiful Motherhood community, I bring you today my pride of life and newborn daughter, Sofia Elisabeth, this is a recount of everything that happened this past Monday for Abigail and honestly, I thought it was the best way to introduce you to my beautiful baby girl.

Hola mi hermosa comunidad de Motherhood, les traigo hoy mi orgullo de vida y recién nacida hija, Sofía Elisabeth, este es un recuento de todo lo ocurrido este lunes pasado por Abigail y sinceramente me pareció la mejor manera de presentarlos a mi bebita hermosa.

Expect the unexpected

I was left pensive by my visit with the cardiologist. After taking my blood pressure and performing the EKG he determined that something was wrong and said Yes my girl, you have high blood pressure and then pointed out, we need to talk to your gynecologist as he sat down, proceeding to look up her phone number. She talked to the doctor for a few minutes, and after hanging up she told us that given my condition and my symptoms they would perform the cesarean section the next day.

We had been warned by the gynecologist before so it didn't come as a surprise but it left us pensive and full of concern.

Esperar lo inesperado

Me dejó pensativa la visita con el cardiologo. Después de haberme tomado la tensión y realizarme el electrocardiograma determinó que algo no andaba bien y dijo Si mi niña, tienes la tensión alta para luego señalar, hay que hablar con tu ginecóloga al sentarse, procediendo a buscar su número telefónico. Conversó con la doctora unos minutos y luego de haber colgado nos dijo que dada mi condición y mis síntomas me harían la cesárea al día siguiente.

Ya nos lo había advertido la ginecóloga anteriormente así que no nos tomó por sorpresa sin embargo nos dejo pensativos y llenos de inquietud.

My lovely Sofia

Upon arriving home we try to freshen up and have something to eat. In that process, I call the gynecologist as we agreed on my last appointment. I delivered her the pictures of the exams she asked for via WhatsApp. I assumed she would simply give me instructions for the next day. I didn't expect that question in the middle of the nagging she was giving me.

-When do you want it?
-I'm sorry?
-When do you want the C-section? It could be today or tomorrow, it depends on the availability of the operating room.
I was in shock, I didn't know what to answer to that, I didn't think it was that urgent. I got scared, so I decided to leave it in her hands.
-When you see it necessary.
-All right, I'll call you soon; take a bath, shave and drink something with sugar.

I talked to Jesus, and he was surprised. We both got into a stressful situation. We were practically alone, my mother-in-law and brother-in-law were out, and my father-in-law was in charge of the Laundry. We didn't know what to do.

Al llegar a casa tratamos refrescarnos y comer algo. En ese proceso llamo a la ginecóloga como lo acordamos en mi última cita. Le envío las fotos de los exámenes que me pidió por WhatsApp. Supuse que simplemente me daría instrucciones para el día siguiente. No me esperaba esa pregunta en medio de los regaños que me daba.

-¿Para cuando la quieres?
-¿Para cuando quieres la cesárea? Podría ser hoy o mañana, depende de la disponibilidad del quirofano.
Quede en Shock no sabía que responder a eso, no pensé que fuese tan urgente. Me asusté, así que decidí dejarlo en sus manos.
-Cuándo tu quieras yo quiero.
-Muy bien, ahora te llamo; bañate, rasurate y bebe algo azucarado.

Hablé con Jesús y se sorprendió. Los dos entramos en situación de estrés. Estábamos solos prácticamente mi suegra y cuñado habían salido y mi suegro se encargaba de la Lavandería. No sabíamos que hacer.


After telling my father-in-law I took a shower, and Jesus went to make lunch. While I was shaving, I got a call from my gynecologist, which left me terrified.
-I'm waiting for you at the clinic, everyone is already there, it's an emergency, and I want you here right now.

Very scared and surprised I spoke to Jesus, I saw immediately how it affected him, we were not even remotely ready. The bags were not packed, she had not even given us a chance to buy the last medicines that had been indicated.

As best I could I composed, finished shaving, and grabbed the baby's diaper bag. I mindlessly and as neatly as I could fit in what I thought were the right clothes and everything else she might need. We were missing a few things that, as luck or fate would have it, were on mother-in-law's shopping list. And I proceeded to put my things in the suitcase that Jesus had brought me.

Después de haberle avisado ami suegro tomé una ducha y Jesús fue a hacer almuerzo. Mientras me depilaba, recibí el llamado de mi ginecóloga, que me dejó aterrada.
-Te espero en la clínica, ya están todos allí, es una emergencia y te quiero aquí ya

Muy asustada y sorprendida hablé con Jesús, ví de inmediato como le afectó, no estábamos ni remotamente listos. Las maletas no estaban hechas, ni siquiera nos había dado chance de comprar las ultimas medicinas que nos habían indicado.

Como pude me recompuse, terminé de rasurarme y agarré la pañalera de la bebé. Metí sin pensar y tan ordenadamente como pude la ropa que pensé era la a indicada, y todo lo que podría necesitar. Nos faltaban algunas cosas que por suerte o azares del destino, estaban en la lista de compras de la suegra. A duras penas llegará a tiempo lo que falta pensé. Y procedí a acomodar mis cosas en la maleta que me había traído Jesús.


I've never packed a suitcase so quickly in my life. To the moms-to-be reading this post, I recommend packing a month before. I didn't heed this valuable advice and look at what happened.

As best we could, we half-dressed and went to the clinic. We had to arrange transportation since the brother-in-law had not arrived and he had the car, to add that the calls did not go out. I have to confess that I didn't even fix my hair. I have never gone out so disheveled anywhere in my life. I received my daughter looking like a complete disaster ha ha ha ha ha.

We checked in at the clinic entrance, and they took my blood pressure again; it was still sky-high. None of our family had arrived, and we were lonely. After I was admitted to the ward. Jesus would go off to buy medicine, and I would be left alone. If anything happened to me no one would be able to keep an eye on me.

Nunca acomodé unas maletas tan rápido en mi vida. A las futuras mamás que lean este post, les recomiendo hacer la maleta un mes antes. Yo no atendí a este valioso consejo y miren lo que ocurrió.

Como pudimos, nos medio arreglamos y nos fuimos a la clínica. Tuvimos que solucionar transporte, ya que el cuñado no había llegado y tenia el automóvil, para añadir no salían las llamadas. Les tengo que confesar que ni me peiné. Nunca salí tan desarreglada a algún lado. Recibí a mi hija bien fea ja ja ja ja.

Nos registramos en el ingreso de la clínica y me tomaron la tensión nuevamente; todavía estaba por las nubes. Ninguno de nuestros familiares había llegado y nos sentíamos solos. Después que me ingresaran en el pabellón. Jesús se iría a comprar medicamentos y yo quedaría sola. Si me pasaba algo nadie podría estar al pendiente de mi situación.


I closed the cycle by saying goodbye to Jesus at the pavilion door. From there everything would change radically. The closure felt more real with the solitude on the way to prep for surgery. I was asked to undress and put on the surgery gown.

Time slowed down, and I felt a lot of tension. I was holding back tears as they started the IV. They were very kind to me. Even the nurse comforted me when I confessed how hard it was to be in that situation alone.

He reminded me that God was always with me, and I know he was. He has been with me from the beginning of this process until the day when I have Sofia in my arms. Flooded with tears I surrendered everything to the creator at that moment. I felt better, I was still afraid, but I no longer felt alone.

Cerré totalmente el ciclo despidiéndome de Jesús en la puerta de pabellón. A partir de allí todo cambiaría radicalmente. El cierre se sintió mas real con la soledad de camino a la preparación para la cirugía. Me pidieron que me desvistiera y me pusiera la bata de cirugía.

El tiempo se hizo mas lento y sentía mucha tensión. Aguantaba las lágrimas mientras me ponían la intravenosa. Fueron muy amables conmigo. Hasta enfermero me consoló cuando le confesé lo duro que era estar en esa situación sola.

Me recordó que Dios siempre estaba conmigo y yo sé que fue así. Él me ha acompañado desde el comienzo de este proceso hasta hoy que tengo a Sofía en mis brazos. Inundada de lágrimas entregué todo al creador en aquel instante. Me sentí mejor, aun tenía miedo, pero ya no me sentia sola.

The team

The dread increased when I saw the operating room. I was put under anesthesia (it was not a terrible experience, as I have heard in other cases because of the fear of needles) and I started the countdown in my mind. Besides fear, I was filled with excitement because I longed to meet my daughter. I would have wanted to meer her under other circumstances, but with her life and mine at stake, there was no other option.

While they operated on me, I prayed and cried; attentive to the cry I wanted to hear so much. I felt nothing (even though the anesthesiologist told me I might have sensations but no pain) and I was just trying to hurry the minutes so I could meet her.

I was feeling pretty good, but my blood pressure was only getting higher as I was told later. I was so nervous that I only heard tension at 150/100. Despite everything I saw was calmness in the staff, which I was quite grateful for. I notice that the gynecologist turns to me and tells me that the baby is small.

El pavor aumentó cuando vi la sala operaciones. Me pusieron la anestesia (no me fue terrible experiencia, como he escuchado en otro casos por el temor a las agujas) e inicié la cuenta regresiva en mi mente. Además de miedo, me llené de emoción porque anhelaba conocer a mi hija. No hubiese querido en esas circunstancias, pero estando en juego su vida y la mía, no había otra opción.

Mientras me operaban, oraba y lloraba; atenta al llanto que tanto quería oír. No sentía nada(A pesar de que el anestesiologo me dijo que podría tener sensaciones mas no dolor) y solo intentaba apresurar los minutos para poderla conocer.

Me sentía bastante bien, pero mi tensión solo se elevaba más según me contaron después. Yo estaba tan nerviosa que sólo llegué a escuchar tensión a 150/100. A pesar de todo yo veía calma en el personal, cosa que agradezco bastante. Noto que la ginecóloga se dirige a mí y me dice que la niña es pequeña.

Baby Sofia

But I was surprised they didn't show her to me, and I didn't hear any crying either.Terror gripped me, I cried, even more, I was beginning to believe I would not have a happy ending. She was already out of me! Suddenly a little head popped up in front of my eyes. It was her with a white turban on her head. It wasn't how I imagined her, in fact, I never imagined her like that. The love overtook me and took away all anxiety and terror. It all ended and started all over again. I couldn't have been more happy.

¡Ya la había sacado! Pero me extrañaba que no me la enseñaran y tampoco escuché llanto. El terror se apoderaba de mí, lloré aun más, empezaba a creer que no tendría final feliz. De repente se asomó una cabecita frente a mis ojos. Era ella con un turbante blanco en la cabeza. No era como la imaginaba, de hecho jamas la imagine así. El amor me sobrepasó y se llevó toda ansiedad y terror. Todo acabó y volvió a empezar. No pude estar mas feliz.

A bit more clean up New born

At 4:31 pm. She was born Sofia Elisabeth Tiano Codino. She weighed 2,400 and was 46cm long. After that moment I didn't see her again until I was in my room. As they were finishing my surgery and I was crying like a baby. I felt a great sense of abandonment because I knew that my daughter was no longer inside me. I was so anxious to see her and it bothered me that it took so long. I came out of surgery at 5:16 pm and was taken out to the post-op room to go to my room. I was relieved to see my mother and my brother-in-law's wife out. Mommy told me that despite the low weight, the baby girl was healthy. That comforted me. At last, everything had turned out fine.

A las 4:31 pm. Nació Sofía Elisabeth Tiano Codino. Pesó 2.400 y midió 46cm. Después de ese momento no la volví a ver hasta que estuve en mi habitación. Mientras terminaban mi cirugía y yo lloraba como un bebé. Sentí una gran sensación de abandono, porque sabía que mi hija ya no estaba mas dentro de mí. Me urgía verla y me molestaba que tardaran tanto. Salí de la cirugía a las 5:16pm y me sacaron a la sala postoperatoria para trasladarme a mi habitación. Me alivio ver a mi madre y la esposa de mi cuñado afuera. Mami me dijo que a pesar del bajo peso la Niña estaba sana. Eso me reconfortó. Al final todo había salido bien.

A mother deep love

Jesus here, it's my turn to close this story, I arrived before they brought the baby into the room with a bag full of medicine for Abigail's post-op period, meeting Abi first and giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead, I soon found myself looking my beautiful daughter in the eyes. And there we were, the two grandmothers, the uncles on my side, the parents, all thanking God in communion for having our baby girl finally with us despite all the difficulties.

With a tremendous lack of sleep from both of us we send a big hug to the entire Motherhood community, and don't forget to follow us, as this is the story of my fiancée, me, and our beautiful baby girl ❤️ A family that is just beginning ❤️.

Jesús acá, me toca a mi cerrar esta historia, yo llegue antes de que llevaran a la bebe al cuarto con una bolsa llena de medicinas para el periodo post operatorio de Abigail, encontrándome primero con Abi y dándole un suave beso en la frente, me encontré pronto mirando a mi hermosa hija a los ojos. Y allí estábamos, las dos abuelas, los tíos por mi parte, los padres, todos agradeciendo en comunión a Dios por tener a nuestra bebita finalmente con nosotros pese a todas las dificultades.

Con una tremenda falta de sueño de parte de los dos, les enviamos un gran abrazo a toda la comunidad de Motherhood, y no olviden seguirnos, puesto que esta es la historia de mi prometida, yo y nuestra hermosa bebe ❤️ Una familia que apenas comienza ❤️.

All the pictures used in this post are my property and were not previously posted on any social networks. I used the translator Deepl and the Grammarly plug-in as tools during the creation of this text.

Todas las fotografías usadas en este Post son de mi propiedad y no han sido publicadas anteriormente en redes sociales. Use el traductor Deepl y el complemento Grammarly como herramientas durante la creación de este texto.

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