The untold story of autism | Sister Blue - I love

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Autism is unknown to many and at the same time it comes loaded with big questions, questions that will be answered as time goes by.

Having a blue child (a child with autism) makes you a blue parent and their siblings, blue siblings, as this condition, the routines, guidelines and everything that can be done to help them, includes all members of the family.

When we found out that Amelie (my second daughter) was autistic, it was not so shocking, as we had been seeing some behaviours in her that made us be slightly "prepared" to receive the news, but how would we explain this to her older sister?

El Autismo es desconocido para muchos y al mismo tiempo viene cargado de grandes interrogantes, preguntas que sus respuestas tendrán lugar a medida que pase el tiempo.

Tener a un hijo azul (un hijo con autismo) te convierte en padre azul y a sus hermanos, en hermanos azules, ya que esta condición, las rutinas, guías y todo lo que se pueda hacer para ayudarles, incluye a todos los miembros de la familia.

Cuando supimos que Amelie (mi segunda hija) era autista, fue algo no tan impactante, ya que veniamos viendo en ella algunos comportamientos que nos hicieron estar levemente "preparados" para recibir la noticia, pero, ¿Cómo le explicariamos a su hermana mayor eso?.

It has not been easy but not impossible either. Ammy (my eldest daughter) is a kind, cooperative and intelligent child and she has been able to understand at her own pace that her sister has different conditions. However, as a mother, I notice a lot of things, I observe her and sometimes I can tell what she wants without her telling me.

Ammy hardly ever gets hugs from Amelie and Amelie has never given her a kiss, not because she doesn't want one, she hasn't given one to anyone. Ammy hugs Amelie and kisses her when she allows it, at which time Ammy takes the opportunity to give her love.

No ha sido fácil pero tampoco imposible. Ammy (mi hija mayor), es una niña amable, colaboradora e inteligente y ha sabido a su ritmo enteder que su hermana tiene condiciones diferentes. Sin embargo como madre callo muchas cosas, la observo y a veces puedo notar lo que desea sin que me lo diga.

Ammy, difícilmente recibe abrazos de Amelie y Amelie nunca le ha dado un beso, no por que ella no quiera, a ninguno le ha dado uno. Ammy abraza a Amelie y la besa cuando ella lo permite, en ese momento Ammy aprovecha a darle amor.

Pixabay - cortesía Geralt

There are often questions: "Mommy, when is Amelie going to talk? She has already turned 6 years old, when I was 6 I was talking", another question is "Mummy, when will Amelie stop wearing nappies" I simply don't know the answers and I ask myself the same questions.

On occasion Amelie has bitten her siblings, hit them (through no fault of her own) and made them fall over, it's her way of playing, as she laughs, she doesn't see the evil or danger and Ammy cries, but something that impresses me is a test I have done. I have asked Ammy if we can give Amelie away and her answer is always "NO".

I have said to my oldest daughter, let's give your sister away, she bites you and her response is, "It doesn't matter if she bites me, I love her" and wow, that fills my heart with so many feelings. I admire her love for her, obviously I'm kidding, I'm not giving any of them away, I'm just testing her.

Muchas veces hay preguntas: —Mami, ¿cuando Amelie va a hablar? Ya cumplió 6 años, yo a los 6 hablaba—, otra pregunta es —Mami, ¿Cuándo Amelie dejará de usar pañales?— Simplemente desconozco las respuestas y me hago las mismas preguntas.

En ocasiones Amelie ha mordido a sus hermanos, los ha golpeado (sin culpa) y hecho caer, es su forma de jugar, ya que se ríe, no ve la maldad o el peligro y Ammy llora, pero algo que me impresiona es una prueba que he hecho. Le he pregungado a Ammy que si podemos regalar a Amelie y su respuesta siempre es "NO".

Le he dicho a mi hija mayor, regalemos a tu hermana, ella te muerde y su respuesta es: "No importa si me muerde, yo la amo" y vaya, eso llena mi corazón de muchos sentimientos. Admiro su amor por ella, obviamente yo estoy bromeando, no regalaré a ninguno, solo la pongo a prueba.


The love that Ammy has for her siblings transcends everything, love is tolerant, it bears all things, it is patient, it does not envy, so says the bible and it is a great truth that my daughters teach me. Amelie rarely allows herself to be photographed, but when she does, Ammy stands next to her and hugs her.

The hardest thing for my eldest daughter has been growing up with a sister but feeling alone when it comes to playing and she has told me so, I have seen it in her eyes. The few times they play together it's just to run around, it's Amelie's way and games, but Ammy takes care of her and whenever she can she plays with her sister.

El amor que Ammy tiene por sus hermanos traspasa todo, el amor es tolerante, todo lo soporta, es paciente, no tiene envidia, así dice la biblia y es una gran verdad que mis hijas me enseñan. Amelie rara vez se deja tomar fotos, pero cuando lo hace, Ammy se para junto a ella y la abraza.

Lo más difícil para mi hija mayor ha sido crecer con una hermana pero sentirse sola a la hora de jugar y me lo ha dicho, lo he visto en sus ojos. Las pocas veces que juegan juntas es a dar vueltas, son los juegos y a la forma de Amelie, sin embargo Ammy la cuida y cada vez que puede aprovecha a jugar con hermana.


Ammy is a child full of love and great understanding, she is a true blue sister. She applauds her sister's achievements, congratulates her if she mumbles a little word. Ammy, who gave Amelie her promotion diploma, is always there for her.

All of us at home have adapted our lives for Amelie's betterment and Ammy understands that, we don't limit her as a child, she should also enjoy her childhood and live every stage of it, but there are things she knows where to do and how to do them.

It is impressive that she can at her young age, understand more than many adults, what autism is. She says - my sister is not weird, she has a different condition, she is autistic - and she says it with pride.

Ammy es una niña llena de amor y gran comprensión, es una verdadera hermana azul. Aplaude los logros de su hermana, la felicita si balbucea diciendo una palabrita. Ammy, fue quien le entregó a Amelie su diploma de promoción de grado, siempre está para ella.

Todos en casa hemos adaptado nuestras vidas para la mejoría de Amelie y Ammy lo entiende, no la limitamos como niña, ella también debe disfrutar su infancia y vivir cada etapa de la misma, pero hay cosas que sabe donde se deben hacer y como.

Es impresionante que ella pueda a su corta edad, entender más que muchos adultos, lo que es el autismo. Ella dice —mi hermana no es rara, ella tiene una condición diferente, es autista— y lo dice con orgullo.

If I had to choose my children, I would choose them 3, a thousand times more

Si tuviera que elegir a mis hijos, los elegiría a ellos 3, mil veces más

Simplemente Eli.gif

All images, except the one with source, are my property, some of them were used before in my blog.

All my posts are made from a Samsung Galaxy A20s mobile phone.

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