Adios a los planes del destete/Bebé enferma

Adios a los planes del destete/Bebé enferma./Goodbye to weaning plans / Sick baby.


Hola mamis y papis de Motherhood, deseo se encuentre bien. He estado algo ausente en estos últimos días a causa de algunas situaciones que aquejan la salud de mi pequeña Ámbar.

Hello moms and dads of Motherhood, I wish you are well. I have been somewhat absent in recent days due to some situations that affect the health of my little Ámbar.

Desde que mi niña cumplio su primer añito tuve la intención de comenzar con los planes para el destete por muchas razones, la primera es que Ámbar no me quiere probar otras comidas que no sea la teta (pecho) o su acostumbrada sopita, y eso genera una gran angustia en mi pues si bien estoy conciente que la leche materna es la vitamina mas saludable que le puedo suministrar tambien se que a su edad ella requiere de otro tipo de alimentos que le ayuden a fortalecer su desarrollo y crecimiento, otra razón para tomar la decisión de comenzar con el destete es mi salud, pues al estar amamantando con mucha frecuencia ha causado en mi una extrema delgadez que ya no esta en los parámetros normales y esta afectando mis valores y hemoglobina, sucede que siempre he padecido de anemia (sin estudiar) y a pesar que tengo una alimentación bastante adecuada no logro aumentar de peso ni con todos mis esfuerzos. Pero ahora esos planes deben esperar ya que mi niña se encuentra enferma y ahora mas que nunca requiere de su tetica para estar bien.

Since my daughter reached her first birthday, I had the intention of starting with weaning plans for many reasons, the first is that Ámbar does not want me to try other foods other than the teat (breast) or her usual soup, and that generates a great anguish in me because although I am aware that breast milk is the healthiest vitamin that I can supply, I also know that at her age she requires other types of food that help strengthen her development and growth, another reason to drink The decision to start with weaning is my health, because being breastfeeding very frequently has caused in me an extreme thinness that is no longer in normal parameters and is affecting my values ​​and hemoglobin, it happens that I have always suffered from anemia (without study) and despite the fact that I have a fairly adequate diet, I cannot gain weight even with all my efforts. But now those plans must wait since my girl is ill and now more than ever she requires her thematic to be well.


Todo comenzó el domingo, para ser exactos el 03/09/2021 donde Ámbar con mucho malestar en su oido derecho no podia dormir, la revise y me percate que tenia una pequeña pelota en su oido de inmediato le aplique una crema antibiótica y para mi mayor sorpresa al otro dia note que esa pelota se le habia llenado de pus, con todo y su
malestar volvi a revisar el oido visualizando que no solo se trataba de esa pelota sino que toda la entrada del oido estaba obstruida con pus y sangre, de inmediato me fui al ambulatorio mas cercano y la doctora que me atendió me explicó que se trataba de una Otitis externa, causa de un poco de agua que seguramente se colo en el oido al bañar a mi pequeña, le indico antibióticos y antiinflamatorios y gotas, segui sus instrucciones al piel de la letra pero la historia no culmina alli.

It all started on Sunday, to be exact on 09/03/2021 where Ámbar with a lot of discomfort in her right ear could not sleep, I checked her and I realized that she had a small ball in her ear immediately applied an antibiotic cream and for me biggest surprise the next day I noticed that that ball had filled with pus, with everything and its
discomfort I went back to check the ear visualizing that it was not only that ball but that the entire ear entrance was clogged with pus and blood, I immediately went to the nearest ambulatory and the doctor who treated me explained that it was a External otitis, caused by a little water that surely was placed in the ear when bathing my little girl, I indicated antibiotics and anti-inflammatories and drops, I followed her instructions to the skin of the letter but the story does not end there.


Este sábado, en la madrugada mi niña se desperto con mucho llanto y una fiebre muy alta, al principio no sabia que hacer, me paralice por un momento luego mi esposo me ayudo a colocarle paños de agua a temperatura ambiente y darle su medicamento para bajar la temperatura, ese mismo dia la lleve al médico y al examinarla la doctora le encontro unas llagas en la boca, esa era la razón de esa fiebre tan repentina y alta pues con la otitis no había presentado tal cosa, devuelta a cumplir tratamiento en casa. A pesar de mantener un cuidado con las actividades de mi bebé debo estar conciente que ella se lleva todo a la boca y se que no tuve tanto cuidado con los objetos que ella frecuenta y que causaron esas llagas en su boquita, eso me hace sentir muy culpable y a la vez me pone en advertencia para poner mas vigilancia con sus juguetes y objetos que ella tenga a su alcance.

This Saturday, at dawn, my daughter woke up with a lot of tears and a very high fever, at first I did not know what to do, I was paralyzed for a moment then my husband helped me place cloths of water at room temperature and give her her medicine to lower her the temperature, that same day I took her to the doctor and when examining her the doctor found her mouth sores, that was the reason for that sudden and high fever because with the otitis she had not presented such a thing, she returned to complete treatment at home . Despite being careful with my baby's activities, I must be aware that she puts everything in her mouth and I know that I was not so careful with the objects that she frequents and that caused those sores in her little mouth, that makes me feel very guilty and at the same time puts me on warning to put more vigilance with her toys and objects that she has within her reach.

El malestar de su boquita no le permite ingerir alimentos solidos por lo que se ha vuelto a pegar mucho mas de la teta, y ya lleva dos largos dias de mucho llanto y una dieta a base de líquidos, además de que esta mas pegada a mi, no deja que nadie mas la cargue o quiera acercarse a ella, eso me tiene en un nivel de agotamiento físico tremendo que entiendo es necesario para mantener un poco su apetito y que no se deshidrate, estoy alimentandome el doble de antes además de ingerir suficiente liquido con la finalidad de generar que mis pecho se llenen mas de leche materna, mis planes del destete pasaron a un segundo plano, primero esta la salud de mi niña.

The discomfort of her little mouth does not allow her to eat solid foods so she has become much more attached to the teat, and she has already been two long days of a lot of crying and a liquid-based diet, in addition to being more attached to me. She does not let anyone else carry her or want to get close to her, that has me at a tremendous level of physical exhaustion that I understand is necessary to maintain her appetite a little and not dehydrate, I am eating twice as much as before in addition to ingesting enough liquid in order to make my breasts fill more with breast milk, my weaning plans took a backseat, first is the health of my girl.


Se que todo esto va a pasar rápido, ya la fiebre ha cedido, lo que significa que el tratamiento esta dando resultados, al verla descansar me hacer recargar energías para seguir adelante en pie de lucha. Agradecida estoy de que en estos momentos estan leyendo un poco de mis vivencias en esta montaña rusa de la maternidad, espero haya sido de su agrado.

I know that all this is going to happen quickly, the fever has already subsided, which means that the treatment is giving results, seeing her rest makes me recharge my batteries to continue fighting. I am grateful that at the moment you are reading a little of my experiences in this roller coaster of motherhood, I hope it has been to your liking.


Me despido no sin antes desearles que tengan una feliz noche y gran comienzo de semana. Nos vemos en una próxima oportunidad. Bendiciones para todos.

I say goodbye but not before wishing you have a happy night and a great start to the week. See you at the next opportunity. Blessings for all.


Las imágenes son de mi propiedad.

The images are my property.

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