Octavo Encuentro Paranormal, con Tarot911/ El Demonio y el Libro (Esp/ Eng)

Fuente/ Source




En la época en que mi madre, estaba enfrentando su lucha contra el cáncer de mamas, ella tenía que trasladarse desde el interior del país al Distrito Capital, cada 21 dias a colocarse su tratamiento de quimio. Para esos dias ella se quedaba en el departamento de su hermano, que queda muy céntrico y accesible para sus idas y venidas a la clínica donde teníamos que ir a cada tratamiento.

A ella le gustaba quedarse con su hermano pues el disponía del espacio ideal para ella, allí tenia su propio cuarto y baño, muy independiente de todos los espacios del departamento, cerca de la cocina. Ella venia solo por unos dias los justos para recuperarse e irse de nuevo a su pueblo, a lo sumo una semana.

En esos dias después de su tratamiento, ella tenia que quedarse en reposo por los malestares que le causaba, mareos, debilidad, entonces ella pasaba su tiempo leyendo libros de toda índole que le cayera en manos, pues al igual que yo, le gusta leer bastante. Todos los dias yo iba a darle una vuelta a hablar con ella un rato y luego me iba a casa.

Un día, ella estaba leyendo un libro de la religión de Santería específicamente, acerca de la palería, sus ritos y descripciones, recuerdo que le dije que si no tenia otra cosa por leer, pues ella siempre ha sido "perseguida" por este tipo de cosas paranormales y no me gusto mucho su lectura, pero ella me aseguro que era solo un libro que era interesante y que me quedara tranquila.

Al día siguiente, la conseguí a ella muy nerviosa, leyendo su biblia, le pregunte que le sucedía y me empezó a contar lo que le había sucedido. Ella me cuenta que en la noche se quedó dormida leyendo el libro de Palería y que incluso se quedo con el en su regazo, que despertó por que se sentía asfixiada, no podía respirar y que al abrir los ojos, vio a un hombrecillo montado sobre ella.

Que la estaba ahorcando fuertemente, decía que este ente, demonio le gritaba "muere mald.." (no me gusta esta palabra)con una expresión de odio en su rostro y que ella empezó a forcejear con esa cosa, dice que podía sentirlo, como tal, que no podía quitárselo de encima, que esa cosa tenia una cola y unos pequeños cachitos en su cabeza, entonces desde un principio supo lo que era, un demonio.

Fuente/ Source

Se dio cuenta que forcejear con el, no lo iba a alejar de ella, ni a quitar de encima, no le salía sonido, alguno mucho menos gritar, estaba casi asfixiada por este ser, así es que cerro los ojos y empezó a orar con todo su fervor y a lo que empezó a clamar a Jesucristo, este ser la soltó y por la única ventana que ella mantenía abierta, por los calores que le daba por las quimio, ese ser se paro en el quicio de la misma y le grito "mald.." y se lanzo por ella.

Mi madre, al ver aquello se paró como pudo, de una vez a ver por la ventana, gritando a mi tío y a su esposa para que vinieran a auxiliarla. Ella dice que al asomarse por la ventana a ver donde había "caído", ella dice que no le vio, que tuvo que haber desaparecido, pues no había manera de que hubiese desaparecido, pues solo quedaba el vacío y el piso de la calle. Mi tío y su esposa llegaron rápidamente, encontrando a mi madre aterrada en plena oración, ella les conto y la esposa de mi tío, buscó agua bendita y se pusieron a regar por todo el cuarto y a orar con ella.

Lógicamente, mi madre desechó el libro pues supo que por medio de el esa cosa había venido hacia ella, que le había abierto una puerta a su mundo, por medio de esa lectura. Se acordó de mis palabras y se dio cuenta que tenia toda la razón, al ser ella tan sensible a estas cosas, debía tener cuidado. Afortunadamente, ella ya para esos tiempos estaba incursionando en las cuestiones de la iglesia, ella dice que esto la ayudó mucho, saber orar y conocer mas a profundidad de la palabra de Dios.

Fuente/ Source

Esta es mi participación, para la Invitación de mi querida amiga @tarot911, en su iniciativa paranormal para todos aquellos que quieran compartir sus historias o relatos personales. Invito a mi amiga @annafenix a compartir con nosotros.




At the time when my mother was facing her fight against breast cancer, she had to travel from the interior of the country to the Capital District every 21 days for her chemo treatment. For those days she stayed in her brother's apartment, which is very central and accessible for her comings and goings to the clinic where we had to go for each treatment.

She liked to stay with her brother because he had the ideal space for her, she had her own room and bathroom, very independent of all the spaces in the apartment, near the kitchen. She came only for a few days, just enough to recover and go back to her village, at most a week.

In those days after her treatment, she had to rest because of the discomfort it caused her, dizziness, weakness, so she spent her time reading books of any kind she could get her hands on, because like me, she likes to read a lot. Every day I would go and talk to her for a while and then go home.

One day, she was reading a book about the religion of Santeria specifically, about the paleria, its rites and descriptions, I remember that I told her that I didn't have anything else to read, because she has always been "persecuted" by this type of paranormal things and I didn't like her reading, but she assured me that it was just a book that was interesting and that I should stay calm.

The next day, I found her very nervous, reading her bible, I asked her what was happening to her and she began to tell me what had happened to her. She told me that at night she fell asleep reading the book of Paleria and that she even stayed with it in her lap, that she woke up because she felt suffocated, she could not breathe and that when she opened her eyes, she saw a little man riding on top of her.

He was hanging her tightly, she said that this demonic entity was screaming at her "die damn it..." (I don't like this word)with a hateful expression on his face and that she began to struggle with that thing, she says that she could feel it, as such, that she couldn't get it off her, that this thing had a tail and some little bits on its head, then from the beginning she knew what it was, a demon.

She realized that struggling with him, was not going to get him away from her, nor to remove him from her, she could not hear any sound, much less scream, she was almost suffocated by this being, so she closed her eyes and began to pray with all her fervor and when she began to cry out to Jesus Christ, this being released her and through the only window that she kept open, by the heat that gave her by the chemo, this being stood in the corner of the same and shouted "mald. ." and threw himself at her.

My mother, upon seeing this, stood up as best she could to look out the window, shouting to my uncle and his wife to come to her aid. She says that when she looked out the window to see where he had "fallen", she says that she did not see him, that he had to have disappeared, because there was no way he could have disappeared, since there was only the emptiness and the floor of the street. My uncle and his wife arrived quickly, finding my mother terrified in the middle of prayer, she told them and my uncle's wife looked for holy water and they started sprinkling it all over the room and praying with her.

Logically, my mother threw the book away because she knew that through it that thing had come to her, that it had opened a door to her world, through that reading. She remembered my words and realized that she was absolutely right, since she was so sensitive to these things, she had to be careful. Fortunately, by that time she was already getting involved in church matters, she says that this helped her a lot, to know how to pray and to know more about the word of God.

This is my participation, for the Invitation of my dear friend @tarot911, in her paranormal initiative for all those who want to share their stories or personal accounts. I invite my friend @annafenix to share with us.

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