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Welcome to our daily activity report of the Blogging Challenge Community. We must say we had a great time reading your posts and we hope you all can keep engaging with us.


The posts selected on 13/5/2021 are:
Autor: @jalexiv
#BloggingChallenge Day 2 | 20 datos sobre mi / 20 facts about you.

Hola chicos, el día de hoy continúo con el #BloggingChallenge, hoy es mi día 2 y el mismo consiste en dar 20 datos sobre mí.

1- Actualmente me dedico a estudiar Medicina, me encuentro cursando mi 3ero año en esta preciosa carrera.

Autor: @doriangel

Blogging Challenge Parte 1 - Día 2: 20 Datos sobre mi/ 20 Facts about me

Hola, un saludo a toda la Comunidad de Hive, agradecida de comenzar el día 2 del reto de Blogging Challenge. ¿20 Datos sobre mí? Esa pregunta te hace pensar y es que nunca es fácil describirse así mismo. Pero haré mi mejor esfuerzo.
Autor: @yonathanulacio

[ENG-ESP] Blogging Challenge - EDicion 1. 5 Objetivos Actuales/Part 1. 5 Current Goals

5 Objetivos Actuales/ 5 Current Goals

La planificación, el propósito y el ánimo, es algo que nos dirige aquello que deseamos y soñamos, pero no solo eso, también es importante tener perseverancia, fe y optimismo. Para vencer los obstáculos de la vida.

Autor: @richardalexis

Blogging Challenge Day 15 - My favorite movie

The cover was made using canva and bitmoji.

This is a blogging challenge entry that I was quite excited to do, most of my posts on Hive are about cinema and I hadn't even talked about my favorite movie yet, so hey, this is the perfect moment.

Autor: @shakil002

Blogging challenge:part 1-day 8. 5 current goal.

There are five important goals in my life.
The first thing I want to do is be a good person.Then I will stand on my own two feet and go ahead with a job or business so that my family and my parents will be happy so that I can be a big man.
Autor: @mccoy02

#bloggingchallenge what's the most epic way you've seen someone quit or be fired? part 4 days 25

Hi, there welcome to you to my daily #bloggingchallenge I'm sure you're doing good on this lovely day.

While growing up as a child I've always admired the working class, always in their exotic cars in their expensive suit, and always in a conducive working environment, those working in the financial firm will dress cooperate it's always cool when you approach such working-class they always putting on a smiling face looking cheered always.

Autor: @sbsuperhit

Blogging challenge: part 1- day 3 //subject: my favourite

Hello beautiful people from Hive, Hope you are doing great. This is my 3rd day of the #bloggingchallenge part 1. And I love this challenge because it allows me to think about my step i take in my life.I am also happy because i can share it with you.
Autor: @officialuroga

[ESP-ENG] If You Could Learn Anything In The World In An Instant What Would That Be And Why? | Si pudieras aprender cualquier cosa en el mundo en un instante, ¿qué sería y por qué?

Edited Using Canva

Hello Hivers and welcome to my blog. This is the day 6 of my 30 Days Blogging Challenge Part 3 and the theme for today is "If You Could Learn Anything In The World in An Instant What Would that be And Why?"

Hola Hivers y bienvenido a mi blog.

Autor: @eliguzmane

Mi mundo perfecto 👌 | 30 Days Blogging Challenge | Part 2 Day 17

Hola mis amores, ¿Qué tal se encuentran hoy? 😍 Yo estoy con muchísima energía y emocionada porque hay cosas bellas en nuestro mundo a pesar de no ser perfecto, pero ¿Cómo seria si el mundo fuera perfecto según yo? 🤔

NOTA: En este post no quiero gente sensible que me comience a decir cosas que no son por mala interpretación.

Autor: @mahfuzur20

Blogging Challenge Part 1 Day 2 || 20 Facts About Me.

Hello beautiful people from Hive, Hope you are doing great. This is my second day of the #bloggingchallenge part 1. And I love this challenge because it allows me to think about my step i take in my life.I am also happy because i can share it with you.

Autor: @alejandrojra

ES/EN|BloggingChallenge |Dia07 5 Canciones Favoritas./BloggingChallenge |Day07

Saludos Hivers😋
Que gusto estár nuevamente con ustedes.
Seguimos con los 30 días del reto número 01 del BloggingChallenge en la pregunta número 07 que se titula: Mis 5 Canciones Favoritas.

foto propia sacada con el tlf Alcatel Tetra

Yo soy un amante empedernido de la música, que sería de la vida sin la música, la música es vida, ella nos produce sentimientos como alegría, tristeza, ánimo, entre otras emociones, a mi se me hace un poco difícil

Autor: @jay-one

What would a perfect world be like?

Hello everyone,how are you?

Hola a todos como estan?

%20(12).jpeg)image source

What would a perfect world be like".

In a perfect world there won't be sorrow,aging,death,illness,defects ,also there won't be no struggle in order to survive.

En un mundo perfecto no habrá dolor, envejecimiento, muerte, enfermedad, defectos, tampoco habrá lucha para sobrevivir.

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Special thanks to:

  • Our wonderful sponsors and helpers @roger.remix, @ritch and @wesphilbin. That allows us to give you all more love.
  • And @cwow2, @starstrings01 and @tripode (SMILE team) Senseis for making all this possible.
    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your support and if you are not doing the challenge yet, what are you waiting for? Join the SMILE server below, choose an edition of the challenge you want, and start posting! Just need to use the #bloggingchallenge tag.

--> Check our curation trail <--

All the illustrations are created by @tripode with Adobe Illustrator. Images taken from the authors posts.
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