🥦Mizuo´s Travel Blog🥦 No.6 - 3/3: Visiting a local village in Qingyuan, China, 2017

LianzhouOur trip continued...

This is the last village we visited during our trip in Qingyuan 😀
This is the last village we visited during our trip in Qingyuan 😀

There is a communal pond in the village.
There is a communal pond in the village. 

It seems that this village is also abandoned by most village people, unfortunately....😐
It seems that this village is also abandoned by most village people, unfortunately....😐 

This is the last village we visited during our trip to Qingyuan. The last village was a Han village where most people have already left there. It seems that most village people moved out from the village and built a new village nearby the old village. But, there are many interesting things that remain in the village. 

He lifted 160kg?! Wow! That’s wow! 😮🙌
He lifted 160kg?! Wow! That's wow! 😮🙌

It was fun to see that many old men were outside and playing mahjong in the village.
It was fun to see that many old men were outside and playing mahjong in the village. 

This design is very beautiful 😄👍
This design is very beautiful 😄👍

This village is divided into some parts, residential area, school, and training building. I am not sure exactly, but it seemed that this village was built not so long ago compared with the other villages we visited before. There was no wall which was surrounded around the village. But, it was very interesting that there was a school in the village as well as a building to train guards to protect the village. 

This is a family altar in the village.
This is a family altar in the village.

This is a stone plate which they carve names of village members.
This is a stone plate which they carve names of village members. 

They worship some local deities in the village. Is it Daoism? I could not figure out what religion they believe in this village. Please let me know if anyone knows what kind of religion is this. 😉
They worship some local deities in the village. Is it Daoism? I could not figure out what religion they believe in this village. Please let me know if anyone knows what kind of religion is this. 😉

This is a communal place where village members enjoy theater play.
This is a communal place where village members enjoy theater play. 

They were repairing and renovating a building. They were using many bamboo sticks to build a rack to repair the building. 😮
They were repairing and renovating a building. They were using many bamboo sticks to build a rack to repair the building. 😮

Then we moved back to central Qingyuan

We took a walk to see the beautiful views of Qingyuan City, China.
We took a walk to see the beautiful views of Qingyuan City, China. 

We always end our day with delicious Chinese food. 😆👍
We always end our day with delicious Chinese food. 😆👍

This is the end of my travel to Qingyuan, China. It was a very memorable trip to visit these Yao and Han villages. I really appreciate my friends who gave us a chance to visit these beautiful places. Before I visited these villages, I simply thought that "Chinese" means "Han Chinese", but I learned that China is a multi-ethnical country where many minorities live in this country. Especially in the southern parts of China where I visited in 2017 for this trip, I saw many things that were different from Beijing where the majority of residents are Han Chinese.

It was very nice to have a cool experience to visit these Han villages in the rural areas as well. I visited Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and other big cities in China, but Qingyuan and its rural area were very different from these big cities in China. I saw some gaps between the poor and the rich, the cities and the rural villages in China. This is something every country faces, I believe. But, the speed of this kind of polarization is extremely fast in China. Also, it seemed that many people left the villages to pursue the so-called "better life" in big cities, therefore, many villages were unfortunately abandoned...😐 I realized that it was not easy to live in a traditional way "without the Internet" (I also would go crazy if I have to live without the Internet) and many other things which we normally have if we live in a city. However, I thought that it would be wonderful if the government help them preserve these traditional and historically valued old villages. 😀

By looking at these old pictures I took, they made me want to travel around the world after the Covid19 pandemic. I hope I will show many more different parts of the world to my mother 😉 Where would you like to visit after the Covid19 pandemic? Have you decided where to travel next?

>昔撮った写真を見返していると、色んな所に友達の協力を得て連れて行ってもらったなぁ~とみんなに感謝の気持ちでいっぱいになりました。 北京や上海、広州などで活躍している漢民族の方は、もともとはこういった地方出身者が多く彼ら彼女たちの故郷なのだなぁとこの旅を通して感じることが出来ました。 どの国でも直面している過疎化の波は中国内陸地でも起きていて、実際に私も四川州出身の友人がいますが、上海で住んでいます。 故郷の村が荒廃していく姿は、異国民のわたしですら心が痛みましたが、政府の援助を受けて保存し観光地化することで原風景を残したとしても、それに伴う悪影響も多いと言う意見があるのも事実だと感じました。

>ただ、今、現在残されている京都の祇園の風景も作られた観光地化された風景とは理解しつつ、祇園に行く度に「日本って美しいなぁ」と郷愁の念を抱くのはわたしだけでしょうか。 近代化などが進み、この村のすぐ横には大きなアパートがたくさん隣接していました。 案内してくれた現地の方もアパートに住んでいて、最近村を出てアパートに引っ越し出来たと嬉しそうに語っていました。 きっとこの旧居住区に住むのは「古くてださい」と言った象徴でもある様でした。 生まれた時から都市に住み、「昔の風景」を知らないわたしの世代にとってこの漢民族の村が過疎化し荒廃していく姿を見て、上海で生まれ育つであろうわたしの友人の子が漢民族の「昔の風景」を知る意味でも、なにか良い方法で残せる方法はないものかなぁと感じました。😉

  🥦Ha det så bra! 🥦
🥦See you again! 🥦

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