Tongkoh Botanical Garden, Heaven Picking Your Own Fruit


Still feel at home to explore Berastagi City, which will never end with extraordinary places of interest. In this post, we will share an exciting story on our journey still riding the Red, which is our favorite two-wheeled vehicle while traveling, I like it and we really enjoy it. And now we are going to visit the Tongkoh Botanical Gardens, cool πŸ‘

Tongkoh Botanical Gardens is located in Dolat Raya District, Berastagi City, Karo Regency and of course still in the cool and steady province of North Sumatra. And because the location of the Tongkoh Botanical Gardens is still in the Berastagi area which is Friends of the Peak, then one word that is recorded must be cold....



This Tongkoh Botanical Garden Tourism object presents a beautiful environment, with views of tall shady trees, an overview of the buildings around Berastagi from a height, the air has not been exposed to pollution so it is still very beautiful, fruit and vegetable gardens belonging to residents, streets without traffic jams and lots of places – a place to relax where you can unwind or just take a break from a long tiring journey before continuing your journey to other tourist attractions around Berastagi City.


When we visit this place, we can explore the fruit and vegetable gardens belonging to the residents which are deliberately maintained and made as agro-tourism places, so that we can pick our own fruits and vegetables freely. Along the way when we enter Tongkoh we can see so many gardens. very interesting residents even in their gardens advertised to attract tourists to stop by their gardens.

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Before entering the area of ​​one of our residents' gardens, we have to take a peek first. The fruit produced in their garden bears heavy and large fruit or bears little fruit and nothing is ripe. Because to enter the orchard owned by our citizens in charge starting from Rp. 10,000 up to RP. 25,000 depending on the garden owner who gives the price, and after we enter the residents' gardens we can choose the fruits and vegetables we want. For example, we visited one of the gardens owned by residents, and remember this is not free either, for the strawberries that we pick, it will be priced at Rp. 35,000 per kilogram and we have to buy all the fruits or vegetables we pick without being allowed to return them.


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When we enter the fruit or vegetable garden belonging to this resident, we will be given a fruit basket so that we don't have trouble putting the fruit or vegetables that we have picked. So don't let us be busy picking too many fruits or vegetables without limits. remember everything has a price. and we have to pay.

In the Tongkoh Botanical Gardens area, there are not only fruit and vegetable gardens, but also many very beautiful living flower gardens planted in small pots or polybags and neatly lined up ready to be sold by the owner. If you are a resident of Medan City and are going to buy flowers here, you must first seek information from the seller, whether the flowers we buy can thrive in the city of Medan which has hot weather. Because we are worried that the flowers we buy are expensive and beautiful in this area, when we arrive at the house it is dead or withered.


Okay, how are you interested in visiting this place, we are waiting for your presence.

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