The wonderful Rosarium in the Botanical Garden of the University of Warsaw 馃尮 / Rosarium w Ogrodzie Botanicznym Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego



In rose gardens, I am delighted with the variety of roses that grow there. Both in terms of color, as well as the arrangement and size of the petals. The names of the roses are also fascinating, such as Casanova, Queen Elizabeth, Chippendale, and Pulgiss.

W ogrodach r贸偶anych zachwyca mnie r贸偶norodno艣膰 rosn膮cych tam r贸偶. Zar贸wno je艣li chodzi o barw臋, jak i u艂o偶enie i wielko艣膰 p艂atk贸w. Fascynuj膮ce s膮 r贸wnie偶 nazwy r贸偶, np. Casanova, kr贸lowa El偶bieta, Chippendale, czy Pulgiss.


You can enter the University of Warsaw rose garden through an arch-shaped garden pergola covered with roses.

Do ogrodu r贸偶anego UW mo偶na wej艣膰 przez tak膮 pergol臋 ogrodow膮 w kszta艂cie 艂uku, kt贸r膮 porastaj膮 r贸偶e.


In the garden, I noticed a middle-aged gentleman sitting on a bench with an unbuttoned shirt exposing his stomach and torso. The shadow in the shape of the leaves of the plant next to him was reflected on his skin. In addition, mothers and children were walking in the garden, I also saw a couple holding hands.

W ogrodzie zwr贸ci艂am uwag臋 na pana w 艣rednim wieku, kt贸ry siedzia艂 na 艂aweczce z odpi臋t膮 koszul膮 eksponuj膮c膮 brzuch i tors. Na jego sk贸rze odbija艂 si臋 cie艅 w kszta艂cie li艣cie ro艣liny przy kt贸rej si臋 znajdowa艂. Poza tym po ogrodzie spacerowa艂y mamy z dzie膰mi, widzia艂am te偶 par臋 trzymaj膮c膮 si臋 za r臋k臋.


Although this half-naked man ;) is only a temporary distractor, my attention quickly shifted towards the flowers. I watched one species after another and looked at them with great curiosity. Added to this was the amazing, beautiful scent of roses. I love rose gardens, I could visit them often.

Aczkolwiek ten p贸艂 nagi m臋偶czyzna ;) to tylko chwilowy dystraktor, szybko moja uwaga przenios艂a si臋 w stron臋 kwiat贸w. Ogl膮da艂am jeden gatunek za drugim i przygl膮da艂am si臋 im z ogromn膮 ciekawo艣ci膮. Do tego dochodzi艂 niesamowity, przepi臋kny zapach r贸偶. Uwielbiam ogrody r贸偶ane, mog艂abym w nich cz臋sto bywa膰.



Below you can see a rose with a cool name - Casanova.

Casanova owes its popularity to very interesting flowers, relatively large, well-filled, with a beautiful creamy amber color, which additionally smells noticeably. Older rose lovers also love Casanova for being one of the most interesting roses of this color in the 1980s.
Source: rozeogrodowe

Poni偶ej mo偶ecie zobaczy膰 r贸偶臋 o fajnej nazwie - Casanova.

Casanova swoj膮 popularno艣膰 zawdzi臋cza bardzo ciekawym kwiatom, stosunkowo du偶ym, dobrze wype艂nionym , o pi臋knym kremowo bursztynowym kolorze, kt贸re na dodatek wyczuwalnie pachn膮. Starsi mi艂o艣nicy r贸偶 kochaj膮 Casanov臋 r贸wnie偶 za to, 偶e w latach 80 by艂a jedn膮 z najciekawszych r贸偶 w tym kolorze.
殴r贸d艂o: rozeogrodowe





In the garden there were also tablets with interesting facts about roses, e.g. about rose water, how it is made, about rose oil, and also about why water (e.g. in the form of dew or raindrops) does not fall from rose petals when they hang upside down. This is because the irregularities on the rose petals are covered with special protrusions and surrounded by gently sloping, wide grooves. Water drops from flowers when they are moved.

W ogrodzie znajdowa艂y si臋 te偶 tabliczki z ciekawostkami na temat r贸偶, np. o wodzie r贸偶anej, jak jest wytwarzana, o olejku r贸偶anym, a tak偶e na temat tego, dlaczego woda (np. w postaci rosy, albo kropel deszczu) nie spada z p艂atk贸w r贸偶, gdy zwisaj膮 "do g贸ry nogami". Dzieje si臋 tak dlatego, bo znajduj膮ce si臋 na p艂atkach r贸偶 nier贸wno艣ci pokryte s膮 specjalnymi wypustkami i otoczone 艂agodnie opadaj膮cymi, szerokimi rowkami. Woda spada z kwiat贸w, gdy zostan膮 poruszone.


Once a friend brought me various rose cosmetics that she had brought from Bulgaria. Including Rose-shaped soap with rose scent, and rose oil. Then I really appreciated the properties of the rose useful in skin care. I also like rose in food. My favorite donuts are the ones with rose filling.

Kiedy艣 znajoma przywioz艂a mi r贸偶ne r贸偶ane kosmetyki, kt贸re przywioz艂a z Bu艂garii. Myd艂o w kszta艂cie r贸偶y i o r贸偶anych zapachu, a tak偶e r贸偶any olejek. Bardzo doceni艂am wtedy w艂a艣ciwo艣ci r贸偶y przydatne w piel臋gnacji sk贸ry. R贸偶臋 lubi臋 r贸wniez w po偶ywieniu. Moje ulubione p膮czki to te z r贸偶anym nadzieniem.





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