Tombstone Territorial Park

Hello Hivers

One of the most spectacular and remote places I have ever been has to be Tombstone Territorial Park, located in the Yukon, Canada.
Situated between the 60th Parallel and the Arctic Circle, this sub Arctic tundra ....

Tombstone Territorial Park

is host to numerous wildlife, and stunning views.
The only road, which bisects the park is the Dempster Highway, which is more of a gravel, pothole filled dirt road. The highway was started in 1959 and finished construction in 1979. Mostly due to the extreme climate, and difficulties trying to build on the permafrost.
The highway is 740 km long and by taking the Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway another 147km, you can reach the Arctic Ocean.

Dempster Highway

The park consists of 2200 sq Km, and was created in the year 2000, with a land settlement agreement with the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nation, to protect and maintain the land.
On one of the trails we hiked on we got to experience a snow squall in late August.

August snow squall

Being Sub Arctic tundra, the visibility is extensive and enables numerous plant life to thrive. Some people call the area Canada's Patagonia.
This was a spur of the moment adventure, but next time, hopefully next year, a proper multi day hike to backcountry campgrounds will be the main focus...

of the trip.
Anytime while travelling in the Territories, fuel can be an issue, nothing is open 24 hours, I never let the tank get below half full, and carrying a fuel can may be a benefit depending on the situation. Have plenty of water, the cost of bottled water in the North is horrendous, I have a water purifier, there are always lakes and rivers to gather it from. Always carry food, tools, and know how to change a tire. There is no cell phone service in the park and many parts of the Yukon.
We did pass through a few smoky areas, and a fire can stop you in your tracks for a couple days, so be well prepared for any type of situation.

Hope you enjoyed our adventure.
[//]:# (!pinmapple 64.544688 lat -138.183567 long Tombstone Territorial Park d3scr)

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