Learn About Life from  Sea and The Fishermen’s Village in the Bintuas Village

"Life is like the ocean. People that none be careful in paddling the boat, holding the steering wheel and keep the screen a boat, then that person will be shipwrecked and drowned rolled by the waves. Lost in the middle of the ocean. None will be achieved by him land on the beach."- Buya Hamka

That quote is a quote from one of the leaders of the nation, namely Haji Abdul Karim Malik Abdullah or Buya Hamka. Buya Hamka is a writer, scholar, poet and also political figures in Indonesia. He said that life is like the ocean full of waves, if not be careful in life we will be drowned by the waves and lost in the ocean.

Sea and Life’s


The sea is the mother of human beings, that's the phrase that I hear. From the sea, we can get in life, because the sea is a source of food and protein sources, imagine how delicious the various types of fish such as mackerel, snapper, or tuna and also a variety of processed seafood such as scallops, shrimp, lobster or crab. Different types of sea creatures that are captured in traditional by fishermen in Indonesia. When we see the price of marine products such as fish and shrimp, of course we can imagine the income of the fishermen in Indonesia have a nice earnings. But you know what ? Fishing is one of the professions with a low income and a level of prosperity that is low in Indonesia. Why so ?

A few years ago, The NGO where I work first, I've been assigned to be the supervisor in a program, the empowerment of fishermen in Bintuas Village, Muara Batang Gadis located in Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatera. My errand when it is easy, just see how the progress of the work of any extension of the fisheries that we were assigned.

The Fishermen’s Village



The village Bintuas within a 16-hour drive from the capital of the province of North Sumatra, Medan and only within 8 hours from the capital of the province of West Sumatra, Padang. The village Bintuas is one of the fishermen's village located in Mandailing Natal Regency. Mandailing Natal is one of the districts that have extensive coastline. The majority of the population living in the village working as a Fisherman.

Coastal area of the sea in Mandailing Natal, especially in Bintuas Village has the potential of marine economy is a very large and diverse, among others, the fish resources. With the abundance of fish resources then it should be the income of fishermen is adequate to meet the needs of his life. But the fact is not the case, poverty is still a lot of hit life of the fishermen in the village.

If you see the economic aspects of the things that make the fishermen do not prosper is the low catches of traditional fisherman. This is caused by the lack of capital owned by the fishermen, the pressure of the owners of capital, the system for results that are not fair, the sales results of the fish that is not transparent and dominated by middlemen, debt, and the absence of assistance from the local government. This event is like a chain that never breaks, and it will let me describe the problem.

All the fishermen in the village, the use of wooden ships small and medium-sized to catch fish. If you see the tools and materials that are used are still very traditional and potluck. In fact, if they were able to meet the ship with their catch fish, the result may be just sufficient for the needs of day-to-day. It means that working capital is not comparable with their efforts. Unfortunately again, the lack of supervision from the government who let the ship-board ships of the great catch of fish that are of a distance 12mil from the lips of the beach, even though it is an activity that violates the laws and regulations. These conditions create the fishermen was getting worse.

The fact that there is in each fishing village is not all fishermen have a ship. Many of them hire a boat from other people or working in another fishing vessel with a system for results. This way makes the fishermen work with an income that is becoming increasingly reduced, not to mention the habits of the people of the coast are often stuck on debt to meet the needs of day-to-day. Need strict rules and help the business capital of the local government to improve the lives of the fishermen in Bintuas Villages.




One of the programs from the our's NGO is to encourage fishermen to cultivate lobster to improve the welfare of fishermen in the village. The results of the harvest of lobster from the village, it helps the economy of the fishermen when the time of the catch of fish in the sea decreases, because there is a time where the fish will be difficult to find or obtain.

Natural beach



During the task of working there, I also pay attention to the tourism potential has not been developed, especially in the District of Muara Batang gadis, that is, the potential of coral reefs and the potential for beach tourism. According to the fishermen, the coral reefs around the beach is very beautiful and a lot of beautiful fish there, but can not be seen or explored because of the limited knowledge and tools, such as diving or snorkeling.

The beach around Muara Batang gadis also still very natural, clean and beautiful. If you want to become a tourist spot, it was necessary to include additional public facilities to support the needs of the visitors who come to this beach.

View of the beach with white sand that is so widespread give the impression of smoke and soothing. For any person who is being felt not in the mood, visit the beach and sea is also can give you peace of mind when the mind and the mood is mellow.



The beach and the sea has a special attraction for everyone. The silence, the pounding of the waves, and the gentle breeze makes every people amazed at the atmosphere. In addition, in terms of photography sea could also be your favourite background for pictures. It feels less complete if travelling in nature without uploading a photo with the sea.

This is the life of man in the sea, we can see how the struggle of the fishermen who may already be sick of seeing the ocean and the beach, but must still survive to undergo the rigors of this life, of our view of the beach and the sea as a place to win yourself or pleasing to us.

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

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