Blockchain Poets Commenting Initiative


Hello fellow Blockchain Poets,

I need your help with something. I created this community in order to create a space where poets can guarantee that they will be read by at least two people. I came up with a simple concept. If every person who posted a poem in the group would give feedback on at least two other poems, it would create an environment which fosters feedback and allows poetry authors to know that their work had been read and appreciated by someone.

I see many poems on many platforms go unread by the masses. I'm talking about great pieces that deserve to be recognized. These poems often receive no meaningful comments. I consider that a bit of a tragedy.

The purpose of this group is to fix that problem. That's where I need your help. To date, there are 13 poems posted here and only one comment (besides my own). That comment was from someone who hasn't posted a poem here.

I have posted the 2-1 requirement in the rules, but I don't really want to get all totalitarian here. So I'm just trying to appeal to those who post in or subscribe to this group for help. I think if we get just a few people commenting, it will help us to build the momentum to make this a striving community.

I don't really talk about upvotes. To me, upvotes should be given based each individual's own preference. So I won't promise upvotes to all of your poems. However, from this point onward ~~I will upvote every meaningful comment given in this group with a 100% upvote. I will upvote the latest post of anybody who leaves a meaningful comment. I will also resteem the commenter's latest post. It might not be much, but it's everything I've got at this point. Please help me to make this a place for feedback.


Edited to add:

I realized I wasn't doing some of the things I said I would and wanted to apologize. I'm sorry for that. I have been away from posting on the blockchain for a bit and hadn't been curating as much as I had liked. So I wasn't able to do what I said. So for that I apologize..

That being said, I still come from time to time and I've been trying to come more often. When I come here I look at the latest poems posted, then click on the author to see if they followed the 2 for 1 rule when they posted. I prioritize upvotes and comments on those who comment on other community members' posts. I really appreciate the great interactions we have here. We have a great team of moderators @dbooster, @inthenow, @josemalavem, @amiegeoffrey, @stuartcturnbull, and @martinlazizi that help to make this the best poetry community on the blockchain. One of the best ways you can help them is to follow the 2 for 1 rule when you post and help to keep this community strong.

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