Rogue Puppy Thief


The puppy thief on the loose made away with just over fifty pups in the tri-state area this month and Sargent Marlin was feeling the heat from the local dog breeders society. This place is a hotbed of temperamental dog breeders, he thought, as he gingerly set the phone down on the desk and slurped a mouthful of cold coffee.

Alice, head of the miniature poodle association in Reedsburg, just spent 40 minutes reaming his ear about the litter of six pups that came up missing at The Charlotte Ranch. Stewart, the rancher, posted signs all over town and even a bunch of them along Highway 40 40.

The phone rang again. Marlin eyed the phone like a venomous viper. He set the empty coffee cup down, sighed a heaving note and barked, "67th Precinct, Marlin here."

"Sergeant!?" A reedy voice whistled in Marlin's ear. He pulled the phone away from his ear as his eyes squinted.
"You reached Sergeant Marlin. Now what is it?"

"Sue, I'm Sue Windermere, down from Holder's Hardware? I work nights at the Cinema and I read about all the disappeared puppies!"

"Ma'am, I assure you we are working for a quick resolution to this situation...."

"I know what's going on, Sergeant!"

"Well, I would love to get to the bottom of..."

"Listen, just listen to me, Sergeant!"

"Ma'am, I am waiting...."

There's a whole bunch of dye pots in the Ferguson Barn out Ty's way and I have cracked this case!!"

"I can come take a state....."

A cracking sound pierced his ear and the line went dead.

Marlin jumped up and grabbed his squad car keys. The car roared to life as he pointed the tires toward town and the tires growled on pavement as Marlin gunned the gas.


This is my five minute freewrite using prompt: dye pot hosted by @mariannewest.

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