Create to Free the Blocks!

I've been wanting to be active on Hive since quite some time now but the most annoying of all, the "writers block" just doesn't seem to be wanting to leave me alone at any cost!

Well, today I decided to write any way and I have no idea what I'm gonna write so I'll just allow the words to write themselves as they come to my mind.

I find it really difficult to stay in one place for a long period of time and the fact that I'm stuck inside four walls for over a month was making me crazy! To make myself feel better I was just pacing back and forth in my room.

As I was doing that, thoughts were also raging in my mind.

I was wondering about the blocks that we face in our life like writers block, money block or health block and their connection to our thoughts or actions that we took in the past.

I noticed one thing. If there were certain actions that we knew was to be taken in the past and we postponed it or never took it for any reason, those things have a way of coming back at us in the form of these blockages.

For example: I had a motorcycle accident last year in the month of March. After the accident, I was on bed rest for a period of almost 2 months and during that time, I had access to a laptop.

I was spending my days watching YouTube documentaries, Movies, Netflix shows and stuff to pass time. That's when I found out that Steem had hardforked into Hive blockchain and I came back to say Hello.

I had a great urge to share the story of my accident on Hive.
But for some reason, I kept on pushing that forward and at one point decided not to write about it.

This was the point when one of the blocks was created - a mental block.

Basically, the universe wanted me to share my story (create) and I went against the universe by not following the signs I got through my own mental urge to share my story.

You know very well what happens when we are not in the flow with universe: we go against the universe.

To simplify it further, think of a pipe with water flowing through it. Now, think that you are a drop of water. When you are going with the flow, it seems so easy. Now what happens if the same water droplet decides to go against the flow of water? It gets pushed back and back until it decides to move with the flow, right?

So, we can compare this with our life. When we don't take actions that we are supposed to take now and postpone it, we are basically going against the flow of water in the pipe. Life becomes difficult or stagnant. Everything seems to go wrong and we start facing (creating) things like writers blocks, energy blocks and such.

Yes, we create it for ourselves.

Think of a river v/s a puddle of water. The one which is flowing stays fresh. The one which is stagnant develops mosquitos and microorganisms, starts smelling bad and becomes poisonous.

So, the best way for us humans is to remain in FLOW.

When I got this thought about flow, I got the urge to share it through an article. Now that I've done it, I've come one step closer to flow state.

The main reason I strongly feel the blockages is because of the tonnes of raw materials I have lying in my computer and hard disk which I could process into beautiful articles and videos but not doing or postponing to do so and it always haunts me at the back of my mind.

I will start working on them as soon as possible to clear up the remaining blockages and allow new things to enter.

If you have managed to read it till the end, I hope you got some valuable takeaways from this article. Hope some doubts that you always had but didn't know the answers to are cleared!

I would love to know your thoughts about this topic. Do share your views in the comments down below!

Thanks and Cheers!

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