A Message To Everyone During These Challenging Times of Covid-19

Credits: Pixabay
It is said that like attracts like.

Going by the same notion, we can conclude that the feeling that we are holding is going to attract situations and circumstances that generate similar feelings in us.

Have you ever had a bad start for the day and during the day everything seemed to go bad for you?

Well, that happens because you encounter a bad experience the first thing in the morning which puts you in a negative feeling state. This negative feeling state ends up attracting the other circumstances which generate the same negative feelings in you.

This is something most of us, including myself have experienced at least once in our lives.

So, how can we make use of this knowledge to our advantage?

If we want our day to go a certain way, we can initiate the day with the relevant feelings and emotions. For eg: If we wanna have a good day, we can start by feeling grateful the first thing we wake up in the morning. Rest of the day is definitely gonna be on the brighter side compared to how it would be had you complained and cursed the first thing when you wake up in the morning.

Our thoughts, our words and our feelings have the power to manifest things into our reality.

That's the main reason why elders always told us as kids to and speak only good and never speak evil.

Even during this pandemic, we can see a lot of fear being spread by the media. I think the fear has been spreading more rapidly than the Virus!

News channels have only one goal and that is to increase the TRP (Television Rating Point) of their channels so that they can get more companies and brands to advertise on their channel and they can make more money.

What we notice is that people seem to be attracted towards negative news. The more negative the news is, the more people are waiting eagerly to get a piece of their cake... and then they spread it (like virus) too.

So, the news channels know this and try to make maximum utilization and try to create fear and panic among their audience and get some more TRP.

Sometimes, reality isn't as negative as it's made to look by the media.

So, the best bet at this time would be to shut the news channels, take all the necesary precautions if you have to go out for any reason, improve your immunity by getting some sunlight, vitamin C, drink warm water or warm milk with turmeric powder, eat healthy food and get good rest.

We can see a lot of people suffering but it doesn't help if we panic and go into fear mode. That is only going to make things worse by attracting the thing that you are fearing.

Instead stay positive and believe that this too shall pass and that you and your dear ones will get through this safely.

We shall overcome this pandemic soon and things will go back to normal...just like the old times! :)

Stay strong and take care.

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