The red sunset

It was a cold winter's day and I was in the kitchen having some warm soup while watching the everyday scenes in the backyard. Fluffy our six month old puppy was trying to make friends with the chicken which were foraging the backyard kitchen garden for food.

Fluffy tried to climb the back of the fattest hen, Red as she tried to scratch the ground for worms. Each time she scratched vigorously Fluffy slid to the ground, but he just wouldn't give up. He was back again on her back in no time. Red didn't seem to mind this at all as she was focused on the one thing she set her mind to do, find worms.

Red was too fat and Fluffy's little legs just wouldn't fit over her, yet he was in no mood to give up. This time it looked like Fluffy finally nailed it and he was riding Red majestically. Laughing at Flufffy's antics I noticed the sun quickly going down behind the trees. The red ball of fire looked so pretty against the background of the bare, tall trees. I drew a deep breath taking in the beauty of the red sunset. Just then Red shook violently and Fluffy went flying into the red sunset.

The silhouette of a tiny dog flying over the head of a hen against the red sunset has been carved deep in my mind forever. I am sure I am never going to forget this hilarious moment in the red sunset for a long time to come.

This story was written using the #freewrite prompt 'red sunset'
It is always so much fun to write using these prompts. I keep forgetting how much I used to love this activity while I did this on another platform. I am so glad to be back here again. Thank you for this opportunity.

Image used in this post is mine.

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