My Grandson Jacob

My grandson Jacob is special, he is the oldest of my grandchildren, he is charismatic and respectful, he has a gift for dealing with people.



My grandson Jacob is a professional, he is a computer engineer, I think that's what he told me, he explains many things to me, but I don't understand him very much, I only know how to prepare food and take care of my home.

My grandson Jacob is adventurous, he loves to travel, he tells me that he always thinks of me and wants to take me on one of his trips, I refuse because I prefer my routines in the countryside. Who would take care of my orchard in my absence?

My grandson Jacob is a dreamer, he has many plans for his future, he tells me that he only tells them to me, there are many things he tells me that I don't understand, but I still bless his projects.

Today my grandson Jacob came to see me. Today is my birthday and he brought me a present: a laptop, and he is going to teach me how to use it, at first I didn't want to but I was thrilled to know that we are going to be able to see each other and talk when he is traveling.

My grandson Jacob with his love renews my will to live.

God bless my grandson Jacob.

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