Fell Dragon Part 18

Fell Dragon
Greetings all
I hope the start of the week as been as energetic as mine. Wrapping up another survival book. Enjoying this one a lot as no one dies. Well, except for the guy back in the 19th century but that's kind of expected. Other than that, there is a freak heatwave in the Cape, go figure, thought we were in winter.
Anyway, I hope the week goes well for all of you. Enjoy the next part of Fell Dragon.

Karesh came home just after Saita turned 16, or at least the day they had decided to give to her as her birthday. He was battle-weary and Pura had sent him back to get more recruits who had remained behind. All he wanted to do was have a long shower and sleep without fear of a knife being drawn across his throat. He also wanted to see how Saita had come along in her training for he truly needed Doran at his side. He had given the man more than a year and had come to see for himself how the training had come along.

Or so he had hoped but the moment he had come home he had slept for two days straight only waking to draw his wife closer to him. No one bothered him and he was sure that Myla barely left him on his own for long periods. Once he was steadier on his feet, he dragged himself through a shower which in itself was a godsend.

“Are you conscious now?” Asked Myla as she entered the bathroom.

“Barely.” He said as he pulled himself from the shower. “You changed the shower setting.”

“You were gone for months and that is what you are going to do first? Complain?” Myla laughed and then handed him a towel. “You are covered in bruises. How is the war?”

“It fares. There is no clear strength yet. Pura asked me to collect the spare recruits. I am hoping that you have a few spares.”

“We do and they are yours. You will be able to take Gaylum and Doran as well if you need them.”

“Saita is ready then?”

“You should see for yourself. She is eager to see you but I knew you needed rest, so I had Doran keep her busy while you rested.”

“And the boy, our boy?”

“Busy. Some or other kind of project to solve the transportation issues we have had sending food to our outer settlements.”


“The little monster has changed into a fine young man who is trying to catch your daughter’s eye, but she is oblivious.”

Karesh chuckled as he dried himself before wrapping the towel around himself. “I want something to eat before I see the children.”

He then paused for a moment before whispering. “How have you been?”
“I am strong, as I always have been, you know that.”

He frowned at her and said, “That is not what I asked.”

“I am tired Karesh. Tired of this war. Tired of watching our children learning to kill people. And so, so tired, of hearing of the deaths. Is there no compromise with the lizards?”

“After the first few months, there was an envoy.” Karesh shook his head. “Only Kiai was returned alive. Viribus nearly destroyed two outlying lizard settlements because of that. It was like fire on gasoline. It is out of control now.”

“And Kiai?”

“She lived but she was badly hurt. She has gone into hiding for now.”

“She should have never been involved in the fighting. She should have come with Astec to stay safe.”

“She is too much like her father and brothers.” Karesh sighed. “Talking of, I will need to break the news to Astec. Furor is dead. His convoy was attacked three weeks ago. He managed to save all of them, but he didn’t make it.”

Myla sighed and closed her eyes. “At least he has returned to his love.”

“If you believe in that.” Muttered the tired man as he walked back to their room. “I need clothes, food then to see the children. In that order.”

Myla remained silent and watched her husband for some time. He was hurting but he was not showing it. With spending so much time with his other family he must have bonded, and the death of his sister’s husband must be weighing heavily on him.

“You didn’t mention Pura.”

“Strong as a mule that one. Saved my life more than once. He has his brother’s strength but the sound mind to think his actions through carefully. He inherited a power like mine. Good to see the family trait has gone through to that side.” He pulled a shirt from the cupboard and pulled it over his short black hair.

Myla continued to watch him as he struggled to pull his pants on then stared dumbly at his feet for a few minutes. “Need a hand?”

“I can’t remember when last I felt carpet under my toes.” He said with exhaustion lacing his words.

He grinned and looked up at Myla. “Or under my back.”

Myla laughed then smiled. “Oh, you never change! Perhaps when you have more energy but for now let’s get some food into you and then we will see to our children.”

Karesh didn’t even wait for Myla to ask the kitchen staff to make him something to eat. He had simply walked into the larder and helped himself to a large piece of salted pork before exiting.

“Dinner is soon. This will suffice until then.” He said as his wife rolled her eyes at him. “Take me to Aleux first.”

Aleux was in his room. He was sitting before a small screened computer but had many data screens surrounding him. His fingertips were covered with black cloth which seemed to grip the screens and move them around as he worked.

“Should I even be interrupting him?” Chuckled Karesh as he tore a piece of pork off to chew on it.

Aleux turned at his voice and leapt from his chair. He ran to grip his father around the middle.

“In a few short years, he will be as tall as you.” Said Karesh as he looked up at Myla.

Then he returned the embrace of his 9-year-old son who said. “Welcome home.”

Before Karesh could get a single word out Aleux dragged him to the data screens and started showing off his latest project. They were brilliant. His mother was right. With the way, he planned to scramble telecommunications the lizards would never know when shipments were being transported. This would truly be helpful.

“I heard about Uncle Furor.” He said softly. “The Lizards were rather proud of their work and transmitted the information before it could be stemmed.”

“I suspected as much.” Karesh sighed heavily as he sat down on the boy’s bed. “How did Astec take the news?”

“I was under the impression that he and his grandfather were not really that close, but he has been pretty emotionless since Saita broke his arms. Or at least he doesn’t show much emotion.”

Karesh’s gaze flicked to his wife, and she simply said. “I will explain later but for now it is under control.”

“And you boy, how have you been?"

“Worried Dad.” Aleux spun in his chair a little. “Scared. Terrified actually. Not knowing what is happening and not being able to help.”

Karesh pointed to the data screens. “Do you have any idea how many lives this is going to save? Aleux, the way to win a war is through supplies. You have managed to find a way to prevent our supplies from being tampered with. This is helping.”

“But I am not Saita.” He said a little dejectedly.

“And she is not you.” He said sternly. “I realise that she has gotten a lot of attention lately because of her abilities but that doesn’t make you any less than her. Brains and brawn, boy, that is what is needed for this war, and we have been gifted with both from you and your sister.”

Aleux grinned a little. “Thank you, Dad. You probably would like to see her too, huh?”

“I first want to see all your projects and talk with you.” Karesh realised that his son needed him right now and his daughter would just have to wait a little longer. “The girl has waited two days for me to rest, what are a few more hours? Show me that project.”

He pointed to a different data screen. Myla smiled and left the two of them to go about their business while she silently left the room.

Eventually, it was Aleux that took Karesh down to the indoor training facility where he knew his sister was working with Doran and Astec. At this time of night, Gaylum had already gone home.

“There are a few things you need to know about Astec and Saita, Dad.” Started Aleux as he walked ahead of his father.

“I have heard that the boy is ogling her.” He chuckled.

“Ogling would be something I could stand; this is just gross.” Aleux mock gagged. “Why Doran allows for it to continue I do not know.”

“Now I am rather curious. How is Saita handling it?”

“How can I put this delicately?” Aleux sighed. “She pretty much has the language down; she understands sarcasm quite well now and is pretty good at it but…”


“She is struggling to develop emotionally and with some mental issues.” Aleux scratched at his head. “It is difficult to explain, you will need to see for yourself.”

“Well, 16 is no easy age for anyone, much more so with someone who had no memory before she came here.”

“Yeah, about that.” Aleux stopped in front of his father.

He turned and said, “Mother probably hasn't had the time to tell you yet.”

“Tell me what?”

“Since you left her nightmares have gotten progressively worse. There are some nights she doesn’t even sleep but rather goes out to the forest and stares at the stars. Jarah is working on some sort of sleeping medication for her but as of yet, the only thing that helps is for her to remain awake two or three days and then sleep solidly for maybe two nights. She is starting to remember a face though she says it is still too blurred for her. I have some suspicions.”

“Oh?” Karesh knew this day would one day come and he hated the fact that he had not been here to be with his daughter.

“If what Mom had told me is true and Saita was a normal little girl before three years of age, I suspect she was held in a tank of some sort while undergoing the procedures with someone who monitored a machine doing it. Jarah tends to agree with me, which would explain the blurred face she can never recognise.” Aleux sighed. “Knowing that means that she will likely never know who did all that to her.”

“And the arm breaking scenario?”

“Astec bullied Saita and she finally had enough. She pinned him and snapped both.” Aleux shrugged his shoulders. “They seem to have gotten over it mostly, but I think it somewhat caused the interest that Astec is showing now.”

Karesh grinned and chuckled. “Well, well, this is interesting. Think I need to have a chat with the two of them.”

“Mom already sat them down, much to Astec’s embarrassment. Saita had no idea.” Aleux laughed. “I gave her some of my textbooks so that she could learn about the bodily processes involved in baby-making.”

“How are her studies?”

“Enough talking on my part Dad. I think you should actually see her.”

“I think I am happy to watch for a few minutes.”

“Then I will return to work. We all need to do our parts after all.” Aleux left his father to watch his chosen daughter.

She hadn’t grown too much since he had last seen her, but she definitely had more meat on the bones. Although not nearly as muscular as the male she spared against she was able to keep him at arm’s length with ease while he noted the frustration on Astec’s face.

“The boy is strong but somehow the girl knows exactly where to grab to cause the most pain.” Said Doran as he joined his king.

“I noticed the thumb in the shoulder joint.”

“She learnt early on that she just couldn’t match him in strength and resorted to other tactics to keep herself in the lead with training.” Doran nodded his head slowly. “Though I can’t say that I approve it is pure survival.”

He then glanced at his friend and said, “It has been a while, old friend.”

“You have looked after the children marvellously. Thank you.” Whispered Karesh.

“You were worried?”

“I placed a huge burden upon your shoulders, but I see now that I was worried over nothing.”

A loud thud drew the attention of the men in time to see that Astec had managed to slam Saita onto the ground and made to pin her. Saita deftly brought a knee into the boy’s middle and heaved him over her head before she jumped back to her feet. It was only then that she noticed her father. She grinned for only a second before Astec was at her again.

“Let’s call for a water break now.” Said Doran.

Astec looked up and saw Karesh and for a moment he looked confused before he asked. “Who died?”

“No one.” Said Karesh. “Losses have been light since your grandfather.”
Astec heaved a sigh of relief. “And my aunt?”

“She has gone into hiding; I don’t know where.” Admitted Karesh.

Saita rushed to him and said breathlessly. “See? I can do it!”

Momentarily confused Karesh could only look up at Doran in confusion.
“Look!” Saita opened a palm to create multiple colourful orbs.

“She is particularly proud of these.” Laughed Doran.

“I can see that but what are they?”

“This one is fire.” she threw one ball into the air. “And this one is ice. That one is wind. This one is supposed to be lightning, but I can’t seem to master it quite yet.”

Karesh watched the balls dance in the air with a small smile before saying. “Cute…”

“No, not even close to cute.” Said Astec with a grimace as he raised his hands to cover his ears.

As if to answer the unasked question Saita threw the balls higher and then had them collide. The clap of thunder was heralded by a flash of light, heat, and a rush of wind. Karesh had to take a step back and marvel at the simplicity of the move as well as the destructive power.

“Now if only she would remember that this shouldn’t be done indoors.” Sighed Doran as he lightly flicked her forehead. “Do you want to bring the castle down upon us?”

“They were small balls.” She mumbled at her hands. “It’s the electricity in the lightning that I just cannot control yet.”

“Please put that on the back burner.” Said Astec as he lowered his hands from his ears. “So Great Uncle, what news do you have for us?”

“Urgh, I’m the same age as your uncle please don’t add the great before uncle please.” Groaned Karesh. “There is a lot to tell but I think the two of you need to get cleaned up before we sit down to a nice meal.”

“I wouldn’t mind a shower.” Astec grinned. “Joining me, Saita?”

The girl went scarlet and shook her head violently before actively sprinting away from the group of men.

“That is hilarious.” Laughed Astec. “One day Great Uncle, one day she will say yes.”

The boy jogged after Saita while Doran tried to not laugh. Karesh was not that successful.

“Reminds me of my terrible courting with Myla.”

“Luckily, yours was worse, otherwise I would have to step in.” Doran finally laughed.

After some time, Karesh grinned and said, “How are the children’s relationships?”

“Improving greatly. Astec is trying very hard to get Saita to look at him as more than just a training partner. He is starting to get through to her. I sometimes see them holding hands when walking in the forest.” He chuckled softly.

Then Doran finally built up the courage to ask. “How goes it at the front?”
“It goes. Come, let us walk and talk.”

And this brings us closer to the big turning point of this story. I hope you all enjoyed the read.

Reader's List
@weone, @merenludick, @clairemobey, @therneau, @blitzzzz, @pravesho, @joetunex, @captainquack22, @irisworld, @braaiboy, @sketchygamerguy, @fuego-oscuro, @felt.buzz, @dibblers.dabs, @beeber, @brittandjosie, @tamacvet, @alonicus, @joetunex, @zakludick , @thinkrdotexe , @pixelhuntersam, @alonicus

If you have missed any of the parts, you can find them here:

Fell Dragon Parts

| by @lex-zaiya |

| Part 1| Part 2|
| Part 3| Part 4|
| Part 5| Part 6|
| Part 7| Part 8|
| Part 9| Part 10|
|Part 11|Part 12|
|Part 13|Part 14|
|Part 15|Part 16|
|Part 17|Part 18 - You are Here|
|Part 19 - Updated Friday|

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