Kimberley's story - Part 8

Jane & Anne – Priscilla's colleagues
Kimberley – Priscilla's girlfriend who committed suicide (storyteller)
Vanithy & Maurice – Priscilla's and Kimberley’s girlfriends
Umesh – Kimberley’s first boyfriend

The following days were terrible. I sat and cried most of the time.

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Maurice and Vanithy tried to be with me as often as they could, but they couldn't always be there for me. Especially with our exams coming up.

My parents knew it was over with Umesh. They asked me again and again what had happened, but I didn't dare tell them about Priscilla. I only told them that he was cheating.

I never heard from Priscilla again. During our exams I saw her briefly, but she walked away with her head bowed when she saw our group.

My depression prevented me from studying and so it happened that everyone in our group passed the exam, except for me. I didn't know then that this would be my downfall.

Maurice went to study law after high school, Vanithy went to study business administration. We didn't know anything about Priscilla. I didn't hear from Umesh for years either.

I stayed behind at secondary school, made new friends there. But I missed my old friendships. I missed Umesh.

Maurice and Vanithy still came by every now and then, but their visits became less and less as they were busy with new friends and their new studies.

After a very depressing period, about a year later I decided to grab the last bits of respect I had left and continue my life. I just barely passed my exams, but when my parents asked me what I wanted to study next I couldn't answer them.

I hadn't thought about it and after Umesh I didn't dare make any plans for the future. Not on my own, not with someone else.

After some while, I decided to study to become a pharmacy assistant. My parents thought that was strange and so did I actually, because I had never been interested in that. Neither was I at that moment, but I didn't know what else I wanted to do and the ad for the program just popped up on my Facebook.

So in January 2013, I stepped into the office where I could enroll in a pharmacy assistant program that would take 3 years. be continued...

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Thank you for reading.

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