RE: The Entire Australian Government is Guilty of Treason


i've not watched the video, and i have little doubt Aussie Gov and all other govs are guilty of #treason. i only agree metaphorically though with the "Hang 'em All", but for sure not physically as violence breeds violence. Justice will be done in non violent ways.

We have to re-member that the apparent others are more like mirrors of ourselves. Cleaning the mirror does not remove a mark from my face. Let us treat "others" (other parts of our self in this dream of life) as we wish to be treated ourselves, with unconditional love.

And practically, there is a way to achieve this for the benefit if all beings, to restore harmony to this world in which we appear to live.

WE, as individuals can choose to take full responsibility and not just watch from the sidelines.

We can choose to courageously take effective non violent actions to create our own equitable people powered decentralised systems which, as we grow and the masses begin to use them, the corrupt systems will fall into disuse.

There is a blueprint for a system which can facilitate the creation of worldwide connected communities in a a very well organised manner, using an anonymous concentrated consensus mechanism which enablesl community members to take agreed upon action steps, coordinated as one. Each community, using this same system, can act autonomously yet all the individuals will all be part of the mother world community system potentially enabling worldwide mass coordinated action steps.

Just imagine the possibilities.

The #PowersThatShouldntBe won't stand a chance as we the people walk together, step by coordinated step into freedom and abundance for humanity.

There is much to learn to understand how the system works, yet if YOU courageously choose to invest some of your time to research to a level of understanding then you will be richly rewarded.

Would you like to help humanity break free from slavery (and have fun and be a superhero at the same time)?

WE, each of us individually, can learn about and test and use a viable solution to many world issues, a potentially revolutionary people powered equitable governance system called The Matrix-8 Solution. i want you to help, please!

This comment i made includes a couple of links to learn more @josediccus/ in case you are tempted by my challenge :-)

Please make comments and ask questions under each post or comment as you learn (if you choose to take this courageous step), and use #matrix8 and/or #m8s hashtags to help identify your "mining" by learning so the community can later airdrop you with KLU tokens (Knowledge, Leadership, Understanding).

Sat Nam


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